<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nIt must be carefully tightened.\n\n[[Examine knot|WORKBADENDING12]]\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="rote_augen_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"You've met me a thousand times before and not once have I managed to eyefuck enough wisdom into that unenlightened little skull of yours."\n\n[[►|DARKNESSMET02]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="rote_augen_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"So, yes, we've met."\n\n[[◄|DARKNESS0702]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou examine it precisely, wrapping the other end around your neck. \n\n[[Kick nightstand away|BADENDINGGAME]]\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou attach it firmly around the ceiling lamp, using your nightstand as a ladder. \n\n[[►|WORKBADENDING11]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou haven't been there for her but doesn't you loving her count for something?\n\n[[Open up box under bed|DAUGHTERBADENDINGCLEAN01]]
Why not? This was a gift from your Susie too. \nShe might almost appreciate you choosing to wear it one day.\n\n[[Head out|SPACEBADENDINGCLEAN01]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="arbeitsplatz_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou walk out on to the corridor, passing huge lines of cubicles. Your cubicle is at the far end of the line. You sit down.\n\n[[Start work|work_1_1]]\n[[Look around|handout][$dreampoints +=3, $workpoints +=3]]\n\n<<set $office_dream to "office_dream.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $office_dream>>\n<<set $workdream = "workdream.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $workdream>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe socks fill up with the shape of your feet. Your clothes follow, pressing slightly on the fat of your waist.\n\n[[►|dwork12]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour bare feet touch the cool floor.\n\n[[Pick up a pair of brown socks|dwork11]]\n[[Pick up a pair of black socks|dwork11]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>
Your twenties. When it was time to start acting like an adult.\n\n[[►|SPACEDREAM0707]]\n\n<<playsound $umbilicalcord>>
<<silently>>\n/%Pre-ending%/\n/%counter variables%/\n<<stopallsound>>\n<<if $parentscounter gte 5>><<set $parentscounter -=5>>\n<<set dreampoints -= $parentscounter>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $socialcounter gte 5>><<set $socialcounter -=5>>\n<<set dreampoints -= $socialcounter>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $wifecounter gte 5>><<set $wifecounter -=5>>\n<<set dreampoints -= $wifecounter>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $daughtercounter gte 5>><<set $daughtercounter -=5>>\n<<set dreampoints -= $daughtercounter>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $workcounter gte 5>><<set $workcounter -=5>>\n<<set dreampoints -= $workcounter>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $therapycounter gte 5>><<set $therapycounter -=5>>\n<<set dreampoints -= $therapycounter>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $carcounter gte 5>><<set $carcounter -=5>>\n<<set dreampoints -= $carcounter>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $traincounter gte 5>><<set $traincounter -=5>>\n<<set dreampoints -= $traincounter>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $spacecounter gte 5>><<set $spacecounter -=5>>\n<<set dreampoints -= $spacecounter>><<endif>>\n\n/% add variables%/\n\n<<set $familypoints to $wifepoints + $daughterpoints + $parentspoints>>\n\n<<set $depressionpoints to $socialpoints + $therapypoints + $workpoints>>\n\n<<set $unfulfilledpoints to $carpoints + $trainpoints + $spacepoints>>\n\n/%GOOD ENDINGS%/\n\n<<endsilently>><<if $dreampoints gte 85>>[[Saturday.|GOODENDING00]]\n\n/%BAD ENDINGS%/\n\n<<else if $familypoints gte $depressionpoints and $familypoints gte $unfulfilledpoints>>[[Saturday.|FAMILYBADENDING]]\n\n<<else if $depressionpoints gte $unfulfilledpoints>>[[Saturday.|DEPRESSIONBADENDING]]\n\n<<else>>[[Saturday.|UNFULFILLEDBADENDING]]<<endif>>\n
The alarm goes off.\n\n[[Press snooze|1_45]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>>\n
html {\n width: 100%;\n\n /* Fallback colour */\n background-color: black;\n\n /* Vertical centering */\n height: 100%;\n display: table;\n}\nbody {\n /* Remove default styles */\n font-size: 105%;\n font-family: ComingSoon;\n background-color: transparent;\n margin: 0;\n\n /* Vertical centering */\n height:100%;\n display:table-cell;\n vertical-align: middle;\n}\n#passages {\n border-left: 0px;\n margin: 0;\n /* Keep a gap at the top and bottom of the page,\n when the text is longer than the window's height. */\n padding: 5% 0;\n}\n\n.passage {\n /* Passage width */\n width: 100%;\n /* Horizontal centering */\n margin: 0 auto;\n\n /* Text formatting */\n color: white;\n font-size: 100%;\n text-align:center;\n}\n\n/* No sidebar */\n#sidebar {\n display:none;\n}\n\n/* Links */\na.internalLink, a.externalLink {\n color: cornflowerblue;\n}\na.internalLink:hover, a.externalLink:hover {\n color: lightskyblue;\n text-decoration: none;\n}\n\nimg {\n height: auto;\n max-width: 100%;\n\n.transition-out { display:none; }\n.passage { opacity:1 !important; }\n\n/* Shrink the page when viewed on devices with a low screen width */\n@media screen and (max-width: 2560px) {\n .passage { font-size: 115%; width: 100%; }\n}\n@media screen and (max-width: 1500px) {\n .passage { font-size: 90%; width: 100%; }\n}\n@media screen and (max-width: 1000px) {\n .passage { font-size: 65%; width: 100%; }\n}\n@media screen and (max-width: 720px) {\n .passage { font-size: 45%; width: 100%; }\n}\n@media screen and (max-width: 390px) {\n .passage { font-size: 25%; width: 100%; }\n}\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe socks fill up with the shape of your feet. Your clothes follow, pressing slightly on the fat of your waist.\n\n[[►|2]]
The alarm goes off. You reach out with your hand.\n\nThe screen shows 10:07.\n\n[[Get up|PARENTSBADENDING06]]\n[[Press snooze|PARENTSBADENDING05]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n<<loopsound $alarm>>
You tie the hose to the exhaust pipe.\n\n[[Use socks|CARBADENDINGWINDOW01]]\n[[Step back into car|CARBADENDINGCLEAN03]]\n
You relax and close your eyes.\n\n[[Turn on the ignition|BADENDINGGAME]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="therapiezimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Do you think your complete lack of social skills poses a problem to you and your social environment?"\n\n[["Yes."|therapy_gut][$dreampoints += 1, $therapypoints+=1]]\n[["No."|therapy_schlecht]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe socks fill up with the shape of your feet. Your clothes follow, pressing slightly on the fat of your waist.\n\n[[►|WORKBADENDING09]]\n\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="therapiezimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Does the fact that you haven't suceeded in having a decent career bother you?"\n\n[["Yes."|question_3][$dreampoints += 1, $therapypoints +=1]]\n[["No."|question_3]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou make your way to the wardrobe and take out your favourite tie.\n\n[[Blue with red stripes|WORKBADENDING10]]\n[[Black with grey dots|WORKBADENDING10]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="therapiezimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Does your lack of physical attraction make you feel insecure?"\n\n[["Yes."|question1_1]]\n[["No."|question1_1][$dreampoints += 1, $therapypoints +=1]]\n\n<<set $noisesuspense to "noisesuspense.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $noisesuspense>>\n\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_parentsdream_heller_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou're wearing a hospital gown. Little dried out alphabet pastas on it spell out something that you can barely understand:\n"F««l ol{. Ge¼ *ld.\n\n[[◄|PARENTS02]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_parentsdream_heller_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe room is ?all an? white. Foreign but strangely familliar.\n"¥«¢¢ß¥{ *§¼ß ¼ß\n\n[[◄|PARENTS02]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="Weltall.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nBesides the Earth and the Moon, there's absolutely nothing else around but hundred of years of travelling through nothingness.\n\n[[Follow the umbilical cord|SPACEDREAM08]]\n[[Head back to Earth|SPACEDREAM07]]\n
The alarm goes off. You reach out with your hand.\nThe screen shows 10:07.\n\n[[Get up|THERAPYBADENDING06]]\n[[Press snooze|THERAPYBADENDING05]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n<<loopsound $alarm>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="ticket.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou should probably throw it away. Someday.\n\n[[Go to bed|01HOME04]]\n\n<<playsound $examineitem>>\n<<set $chosendream to "train">>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="arbeitsplatz_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe tv screens show a new message, "...due to so many self-injuring incidents, ties have been banned from the office until further notice..."\n\n[[◄|dwork12_1]]\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="ubahn_innen.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou can't find a seat however a woman nearby smiles sympathetically. \nShe offers you her train pole to hold onto together.\n\n[[►|01Work01]]\n\n<<set $dreampoints +=5>>\n<<set $traincounter +=5>>\n<<set $askedwoman = 1>>\n<<playsound $newaction>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="ticket.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nAn old train ticket. You can't remember needing it and you can't remember why you still have it either. <<if $trainpoints gte 10>>It's bent from your recent examination.<<endif>>\n\n[[Study the ticket|EXAMINETICKET02]]\n[[Look back at window's ledge|WINDOWEXAMINE01]]\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="partyraum.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Excuse me, sir, you can't just walk around like that. We maintain here a strict dress code. No faceloss during social interaction. You most certainly can't..." \n\n[[►|6_1_7]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="therapiezimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nOnly a yawning void is left back. \n\n[[Look at blackboard|blackboard]]\n[[Wait|pressure_2]]
[[Use rabbit to tie plastic bag over your head|BADENDINGGAME]]
You open your eyes. The screen shows 10:05.\n\n[[►|WORKBADENDING01_1]]\n\n<<set $badending = "badending.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $badending>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="partyraum.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Nevermind, you've never really had anything to say anyways."\nSeeing is getting difficult with your eyes wandering to your temples. \n\n[[►|6_1_5]]
You tie the hose tight to the exhaust pipe with your <<print $sockcolour>> socks.\n\n[[Step back into car|CARBADENDINGCLEAN03]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="wohnzimmer.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nWith that out of the way, you can focus on other matters now. <<if $daughterpoints gte 1>>How your daughter hasn't had a reason to visit you in ages. <<endif>><<if $parentspoints gte 1>>How you haven't talked to your parents in so long. <<endif>><<if $spacepoints gte 1>>How you've been lacking for anything interesting to do. <<endif>><<if $dreampoints lt 50>>How you could be trying much harder. <<endif>><<if $dreampoints gte 50>>How you've been trying so hard to do better. <<endif>>\n\n[[Head to your bedroom|headbedroom]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="ubahn_innen.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nInstead of being pressed against the glass door, your face is nearly squashed against people's armpits throughout the journey to work.\nWafts of stranger's deodorants follow you as you reach your stop.\n\n[[►|01Work01]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="strasse_autos1_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nIt's your old SUV. Quite big for a single person.\nYou start the engine and carefully line up with the other cars.\n\n[[►|CARWAKEUP09]]<<silently>>\n<<fadeoutsound $workdream>>\n<<fadeoutsound $trainstation>>\n<<set $cardream to "cardream.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $cardream>>\n<<set $cardrive to "cardrive.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $cardrive>>\n<<set $carhorn = "carhorn.mp3">>\n<<set $carstart = "carstart.mp3">>\n<<set $carcrash = "carcrash.mp3">>\n<<set $metalcrush = "metalcrush.mp3">>\n<<set $examineitem = "examineitem.mp3">>\n<<set $collapse = "collapse.mp3">>\n<<set $breathinghelm = "breathinghelm.mp3">><<endsilently>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nA line of sunlight crosses the bedroom from the window. A brief sigh escapes from your mouth. The alarm clock is still ringing.\n\n[[Get up|getup]]\n[[Press snooze|1_1]]\n\n<<set $brownnoise to "brownnoise.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $brownnoise>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_parentsdream_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"It's a good thing that we're here now", she says with Mr. Porter follows close behind, muttering something in reply.\n"Quite, Mr. Porter. Quite."\n\n[[Talk to Mrs. Martin|PARENTS0301]]\n[[Talk to Mr. Porter|PARENTS0302]]\n[[Look for the exit|PARENTS0303]]
The crowd's too strong and you get carried onto the train track. Your feet hit the metal rails. The train approaches.\n\n[[►|death_work]]\n\n<<set $bones_breaking_hall to "bones_breaking_hall.mp3">>\n<<playsound $bones_breaking_hall>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_parentsdream_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Will you look at that?", Mrs. Martin says, coming into your room.\n"Mr. Doe would gallivate around without his socks."\n\n[["I can't find my socks."|PARENTS02]]\n[[Look around|PARENTS0102][$dreampoints +=5, $parentspoints +=5]]\n[[Look down to yourself|PARENTS0103][$dreampoints +=5, $parentspoints +=5]]\n\n<<fadeinsound $whispering>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_parentsdream_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"And the mutations we've seen! In every nooks and cranny of his little brain by now. I wonder if he can still make sense of what w»'*e s£«ißg?"\n\n[["I can hear you just fine."|PARENTSCONNECTIONDAUGHTER]]\n[["I'm not even fifty yet!"|PARENTSENDING01]]\n\n<<fadeinsound $heartbeat>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_parentsdream_dunkler_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou head towards the nearest door but the only thing you see upon closer inspection are garbled lines and odd shapes.\n\n[[Try to break through the door|PARENTS0702]]\n[[Try to pass in-between the two neighbours|PARENTSENDING01]]\n\n<<fadeinsound $heartbeat>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_parentsdream_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"The onset of age is merciless, yes, I know. Wrinkles. Thinning hair. Myo§ia. Weight gain. High ch?les¥erol. Mu«cle loss. Un¥eliab}e mem+ry. D§men¥ia. \nAl+he¥mer. }he gene runs in the f§mi?y, how unf¥rtunate."\n\n[["I'm not my parents!"|PARENTS05]]\n[["Are either of you actual doctors?"|PARENTS06]]\n[[Look for the exit|PARENTS07]]\n<<fadeinsound $noisesuspense>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_parentsdream_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Well, we talk about family but for some reason we're here, and not his parents. Isn't that strange?"\nMrs. Martin leans closer to hear Mr. Porter speaking.\n"Yes, I thought the same, Mr. Porter. Afterall, naughty children have a hard time looking into their parents' eyes, don't they?"\n\n[[Try to pass in-between the two neighbours|PARENTSENDING01]]\n[["I'm not a child!"|PARENTSDREAMSOUP]]\n\n<<fadeinsound $heartbeat>>
Outside, you insert your car keys into the lock. Step in and follow the same procedure with the ignition.\n\n[[►|CARBADENDINGCLEAN02]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_kopfueber_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour ceiling's a mess.\n\n[[Look at laundry basket|Wlaundry basket 01]]\n[[Stop looking at your bedroom|W04]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="pausenraum_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou make your way to the coffee lounge. Halfway, you‘re passing the queue to the rooftop, which is mile-long as usual. "Bye, Peter!", Susan waves at you, standing in line.\n\n[["Bye, Susan."|break_2]]\n[["Bye, Susan."|break_2]]\n
You have bookmarked some interesting places that you never got around to visit.\n\n[[►|GOODENDINGLEAVE07]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="Weltall.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou stay still and let earth's gravity pull at you.\n\n[[Let yourself fall|SPACEDREAM0702]]\n[[Follow the umbilical cord instead|SPACEDREAM08]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="rote_augen_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"How will you not?"\n\n[[◄|DARKNESS07]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="Weltall.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou see your breath foggy up the helmet's glass between you and the universe.\nYour umbilical cord stretches far up to somewhere.\n\n[[►|SPACEDREAM06]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="Weltall.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou look down at yourself to find you sporting an astronaut's space suit.\nThe immensity of space awaits you.\n\n[[Pick up a pair of brown socks|SPACEDREAM0401]]\n[[Pick up a pair of black socks|SPACEDREAM0402]]\n\n<<fadeinsound $spacedream>>\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>\n<<fadeinsound $breathinghelm>>
You press snooze and close your eyes.\n\n[[►|SPACEDREAM0302]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>
Peter Doe\n\nTHE END\n\n[[►|CREDITS]]\n\n<<set $theme = "theme.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $theme>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="kueche_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThere isn't any toast left.\n\n[[Pour yourself some cereal|THERAPYBADENDINGCLEAN01]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="Weltall.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou hold onto your suit's umbilical cord and follow it.\nYou follow it all the way up to the Moon.\n\n[[Land on the Moon|SPACEDREAM0802]]\n[[Fall back to Earth instead|SPACEDREAM0702]]\n\n<<fadeinsound $noisesuspense>>\n<<playsound $umbilicalcord>>
You take one pill after the other until the box is empty. The room around you gets dark.\n\n[[►|DREAMTHERAPYEND]]\n\n<<set $collapse_onto_floor_hall to "collapse_onto_floor_hall.mp3">>\n<<playsound $collapse_onto_floor_hall>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="therapiezimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Alright then," a deep sigh comes out of her mouth. "I'm afraid there's nothing else I can do for you, Goodbye, Mr. Doe."\n\n[["Goodbye."|therapy_10]]\n[["Goodbye."|therapy_10]]\n\n<<set $dreampoints +=3>><<set $therapypoints +=3>>
Upside down, the display almost spells "SOLO". \n\n[[Get up|W02]]\n[[Press snooze|WIFEWAKEUP03]]\n\n
You press snooze and close your eyes.\n\n[[►|WIFEWAKEUP04]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>
The alarm goes off. You open your left eye and blink.\nUpside down, the screen almost spells "GOTO".\n\n[[Get up|W02]]\n[[Press snooze|WIFEWAKEUP05]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>>
The alarm goes off. You reach out with your hand.\nUpside down, the screen almost spells "TOTO".\n\n[[Get up|W02]]\n[[Press snooze|WIFEWAKEUP07]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nIt's your old box of knick-knacks. You had almost forgotten about it. There are several objects inside.\n\n[[Look at school diploma|EXAMINEDIPLOMA01]]\n[[Look at therapist's card|EXAMINECARD01]]\n[[Look at old stuffed bunny|EXAMINEBUNNY01]]\n[[Stop looking at box|BEDROOM01]]\n<<playsound $examineitem>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schreibtisch.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nAfternoon.\n\n[[►|01AFTERNOON01]]\n\n<<fadeoutsound $cafeteria>>\n<<fadeinsound $office>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nA line of sunlight crosses the bedroom from the window. A brief sigh escapes from your mouth. The alarm clock is still ringing.\n\n[[Get up|THERAPYBADENDING06]]\n[[Press snooze|THERAPYBADENDING02]]
Your oil-suckling family SUV is still parked out on the road.\nDidn't Bob once offer to carpool? \n\n[[Take out train pass|GOODENDINGLEAVE05]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schreibtisch_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour computer catches your attention.\n\n[[Work|work2_2]]\n[[Look around|poster]]\n[[Leave work|home][$dreampoints +=2, $workpoints +=2]]
[[Leave work|home][$dreampoints +=2]]\n[[Go back to work|work2_2]]\n<<silently>>\n<<fadeinsound $office_dream>>\n<<set $heartbeatalarm to "heartbeatalarm.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $heartbeatalarm>>\n<<fadeoutsound $wind>>\n<<endsilently>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="partyraum.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou step into a kitchen crowded with people. The door shuts behind you. A waiter in a black coat offers you some french toast.\n\n[[Take toast|6_1][$socialpoints +=5]]\n[[Decline toast|6_1]]<<silently>>\n<<fadeoutsound $therapydream>>\n<<set $socialdream to "socialdream.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $socialdream>>\n<<set $whispering to "whispering.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $whispering>><<endsilently>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="zug_tueren_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe train door shudders open. The platform warning line is the only thing between you and the carriage.\n\n[[Look for a place to sit|TRAINDREAM08]]\n[[Hold onto a pole|TRAINDREAM07]]\n[[Look at platform warning line|TRAINWARNINGSIGNS]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="zug_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nLooking functional, you step onto the train platform.\nThe station is oddly bereft of other people. Nevertheless, your train arrives.\n\n[[►|TRAINDREAM06]]\n\n<<fadeinsound $traindream>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="berglandschaft_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou feel your feet bury into a pillowy, wollen ground.\n\n[[◄|DREAMDAUGHTER03][$dreampoints +=5, $daughterpoints +=5]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="dachkante_abgrund_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Alright sir, please step forward and throw yourself from the roof."\n<<set $roofdeath to "no">>\n[[Do as you are told|roof_3]]\n[[Turn around|roof_4]]
You are assaulted by a multitude of voices announcing how you fail to meet the expectations set in your contract. \nSomehow, they all regrettably inform you that you're fired.\nA little stuffed rabbit holds up a gun and shoots you at point blank range.\n\n[[►|DREAMWIFEEND][$dreampoints +=5, $wifepoints +=5]]\n\n<<loopsound $whispering>>\n<<playsound $gunshot>>\n<<fadeoutsound $eggs>>
True to your words, you feel a sickly shift in your stomach as you are suddenly ejected downwards and your neck breaks on the floor obeying Newton's law.\n\n[[►|DREAMWIFEEND][$dreampoints +=5, $wifepoints +=5]]\n\n<<playsound $bones_breaking>>\n\n
The alarm goes off.\n\n<<if $workpoints gte $socialpoints and $workpoints gte $therapypoints>>[[►|WORKBADENDING]]\n\n<<else if $socialpoints gte $therapypoints>>[[►|SOCIALBADENDING]]\n\n<<else>>[[►|THERAPYBADENDING]]<<endif>><<silently>>\n\n<<set $alarm to "alarm.mp3">>\n<<loopsound $alarm>><<endsilently>>
The alarm clock goes off. You open your eyes. The screen shows 07:0£.\n\n[[►|PARENTSWAKEUP01]]<<silently>>\n\n<<stopallsound>>\n<<set $alarm_hall = "alarm_hall.mp3">>\n<<set $parentsdream = "parentsdream.mp3">>\n<<set $brownnoise = "brownnoise.mp3">>\n<<set $noisesuspense = "noisesuspense.mp3">>\n<<set $heartbeat = "heartbeatalarm.mp3">>\n<<set $whispering = "whispering.mp3">>\n<<set $slurp = "slurp.mp3">>\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>><<endsilently>>\n
The alarm goes off. \n\n[[►|GOODENDING051]]\n\n<<loopsound $alarm>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="rote_augen_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nBeady red eyes glint in the near dark.\n\n[["How do you know my name?"|DARKNESS04]]\n[["Where am I?"|DARKNESSWHERE01]]\n[[Walk away|DARKNESSRETURN02]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="rote_augen_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nBeady red eyes glint in the near dark.\n\n[["How do you know my name?"|DARKNESS04]]\n[["Have we met?"|DARKNESSMET01]]\n[[Walk away|DARKNESSRETURN02]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="zug_achterbahn_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou manage to grab onto a pole, the previous owner losing their balanced and falling towards the back of the carriage, where they crush against the wall.\n\n[[►|TRAINDREAMPOLE02]]\n<<playsound $metalcrush>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="berglandschaft_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Yes, Mr. Porter, I agree. Parents affect their children ever so much. I wonder if it's simply unavoidable for every child in the world to wish for their approval? Yes? Oh, fascinating thought, Mr. Porter."\n\n[[Ignore them and move on|MOUNTAIN07]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="partyraum.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nPeople keep talking to you but you can't answer as your mouth is steadily gliding away.\n\n[[►|6_1_4]]\n[[Flee through kitchen door|connection_rooftop][$dreampoints +=3, $socialpoints +=3]]
The alarm goes off.\n\n[[Press snooze|010206]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n<<loopsound $alarm>>
You get up.\n\n[[►|01WAKEUP03]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n
You press snooze and close your eyes.\n\n[[►|010202]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>
The alarm goes off. You reach out with your hand.\nThe screen shows 07:07.\n\n[[Get up|01WAKEUP03]]\n[[Press snooze|010205]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n<<loopsound $alarm>>
The alarm goes off. You open your left eye and blink.\nThe screen shows 07:06.\n\n[[Get up|01WAKEUP03]]\n[[Press snooze|010203]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n<<loopsound $alarm>>
You get up.\n\n[[►|WIFEBADENDING06]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nA line of sunlight crosses the bedroom from the window. A brief sigh escapes from your mouth. The alarm clock is still ringing.\n\n[[Get up|CARWAKEUP04]]\n[[Press snooze|CARWAKEUP03]]\n\n<<fadeinsound $brownnoise>>
You press snooze and close your eyes.\n\n[[►|CARWAKEUP0302]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="ubahn_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe platform gets more and more crowded.\n\n[[Wait|train_2]]\n[[Take car|cardream_connection]]\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="kueche.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou stir in the hot water.\n\n[[►|01040107]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="strasse_autos_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe usual suspects accumulate on the road. The driver who'll still cross the just turned red sign, the other one won't use blinkers in turns. Your favourite: the one typing messages while driving.\n\n[[Avoid reckless driver|CARWAKEUP0701]]\n[[Avoid no-blinkers driver|CARWAKEUP0702]]\n[[Avoid messaging driver|CARWAKEUP0703]]\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour bare feet touch the cool floor.\n\n[[Pick up a pair of brown socks|CARWAKEUP0401]]\n[[Pick up a pair of black socks|CARWAKEUP0402]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>\n
Looking functional, you step into your car.\nYou can't remember the last time you drove it.\n\n[[Start engine|CARWAKEUP06]]\n[[Examine tank|CARWAKEUP0501][$dreampoints +=5, $carpoints +=5]]\n[[Check glove compartment|CARWAKEUP0502][$dreampoints +=5, $carpoints +=5]]\n\n<<fadeinsound $cardream>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="strasse_autos1_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe line of cars come to a halt and the other drivers throw you curious looks because of the sound. Your breath is quick and erratic from sudden fright.\nRed back lights up in caution in the sea of cars ahead. \n\n[[Wait for the cars to continue|CARWAKEUP09]]\n[[Take pills from glove compartment|CARWAKEUP10]]\n[[Watch the street|CARWAKEUP11]]\n\n<<fadeinsound $suspense>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="strasse_autos4_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou hear a bump as the car beside you hits its neighbour from behind. \nAnd another as the car behind you crashes against your backlights with such force, that your car crashes with the one ahead.\n\n[[►|CARWAKEUP12]]\n<<set $heartbeat to "heartbeat.mp3">><<set $carcrash to "carcrash.mp3">><<fadeinsound $heartbeat>>\n<<playsound $carcrash>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="kueche.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou have chamomile.\n\n[[►|01KITCHEN01TEA02]]\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="kueche.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nIt's no more than dirty water yet it tastes sweet.\n\n[[►|01LEAVE01]]
You try stretching. Your ex-wife was the one into sports.\n\n[[Look at family portrait|WIFEBADENDINGCLEAN02]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou look at your smiley past self on the photograph and your current one reflected in the window.\n\n[[Look at window|WIFEBADENDINGCLEAN03]]\n[[Open window|WIFEBADENDINGWINDOW01]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nA shimmer of light from the sun glows softly on the glass.\n\n[[Open window|WIFEBADENDINGWINDOW01]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="ubahn_innen.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour favourite spot by the door is taken.\n\n[[Give up|01TRAVEL01SPOT02]]\n<<if $trainpoints gte 1>>[[Keep looking|01TRAVEL01SPOT02NEW]]<<else>> <<endif>>\n\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="arbeitsplatz_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou follow Bob to the queue. It's shorter now, maybe because everyone is getting lunch. You stand in line.\n\n[[Wait|roof_0]]\n[[Turn around|turn]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou can't open the window with all these objects lying around.\n\n[[Clean up windows ledge|SOCIALBADENDINGCLEAN01]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_parentsdream_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour bare feet touch the cool floor.\nYou can't find your *(¥ks.\n\n[[►|PARENTS01]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>\n<<fadeinsound $parentsdream>>
You manage to press snooze and close your eyes.\n\n[[►|PARENTSWAKEUP03]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>
A brief sigh escapes from your mouth. The alarm clock is still ringing.\n\n[[Get up|PARENTSWAKEUP03]]\n[[Press snooze|PARENTSWAKEUP0202]]\n\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>>\n<<fadeinsound $brownnoise>>
Dream Points Score: <<print $dreampoints>>\n<<set $day +=1>>\n<<if $day eq "5">>[[►|ENDINGLOUNGE]]\n\n<<else>>[[►|DAYSTART]]<<endif>><<silently>>\n\n<<fadeoutsound $wifedream>>\n<<fadeoutsound $suspense>>\n<<fadeoutsound $brownnoise>>\n<<fadeoutsound $eggs>>\n<<fadeoutsound $whispering>>\n<<fadeoutsound $sizzlinghigh>><<endsilently>>\n
You will skip work.\n\n[[Skip work|W14]]\n[[Go to work|W14]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="strasse.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nOutside your apartment building, the morning sun shimmers behind city smog.\n\n[[Take out car keys|01TRAVEL01CAR01]]\n[[Take out train pass|01TRAVEL01TRAIN01]]\n\n<<fadeinsound $outside>>\n<<fadeoutsound $lift>>\n<<fadeoutsound $stairs>>
You tell yourself you are most definitely sticking it up to the man today.\n\n[[Skip work|Wskip work 02]]\n[[Go to work|W14]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="partyraum.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"...this shirt doesn't really fit those trousers but after all it succesfully hides your floppy breasts..."\n"...yeah the loneliness hasn't gone away yet, but at least my herpes is getting much better..."\n\n[[►|6_1_1_1]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="partyraum.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nA man in a black suit turns to you. A toupee is trying to cover his receding hairline. "Hi Peter, how are you doing?"\n\n[["Fine, thanks."|6_2_1]]\n[["Fine, thanks."|6_2_1]]\n\n<<set $noisesuspense to "noisesuspense.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $noisesuspense>>
You breathe slowly in and out.\n\nUnfortunately, there will be a day when this won't be enough. And you'll have no one to turn for help.\n\n[[Try to calm down|PARENTSBADENDINGCLEAN01]]
You open your eyes. The screen shows 10:05.\n\n[[►|DAUGHTERBADENDING01_1]]\n\n<<set $badending = "badending.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $badending>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe socks fill up with the shape of your feet. Your clothes follow, pressing slightly on the fat of your waist.\n\n[[►|01KITCHEN01]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\nThe socks fill up with the shape of your feet.\n\n[[Head into kitchen|PARENTSBADENDING09]]\n[[Stay in bed|PARENTSBADENDING09]]\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nA line of sunlight crosses the bedroom from the window. A brief sigh escapes from your mouth. The alarm clock is still ringing.\n\n[[Get up|SPACEBADENDING06]]\n[[Press snooze|SPACEBADENDING02]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nA line of sunlight crosses the bedroom from the window. A brief sigh escapes from your mouth. The alarm clock is still ringing.\n\n[[Get up|TRAINBADENDING06]]\n[[Press snooze|TRAINBADENDING02]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe socks fill up with the shape of your feet. Your clothes follow, pressing slightly on the fat of your waist.\n\n<<if $wifepoints gte 7>>[[►|GOODENDINGPHONE]]<<else>>\n[[►|GOODENDINGKITCHEN01]]<<endif>>\n\n
Total dreampoint score: <<print $dreampoints>>\n\n[[►|BADENDINGGAME01]]\n\n<<fadeoutsound $badending>>\n\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="strasse_autos1_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nMay provoke side-effect: Erratic breathing.\n\n[[◄|CARWAKEUP10]]\n\n<<playsound $examineitem>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou pick up a pair of socks.\n\n[[Brown socks|PARENTSBADENDING08]]\n[[Black socks|PARENTSBADENDING08]]
You head into the darkness until you can no longer see the shape of your arms and legs.\n\n[[►|DARKNESS02][$dreampoints +=5]]\n\n<<stopallsound>>\n<<fadeinsound $noisesuspensehigh>>\n<<fadeinsound $daughterdream>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="pausenraum_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou pour yourself some coffee from the tab.\n\n[[Take a seat|break_3]]\n[[Look around|break]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour feet touch the cool floor.\n\n[[►|PARENTSBADENDING07]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schluessel.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour car's keychain. <<if $carpoints gte 10>>It looks worn out, maybe you should care for a new one.<<endif>>\n\n[[Study keychain|EXAMINEKEYCHAIN02]]\n[[Look back at nightstand|NIGHTSTANDEXAMINE01]]\n\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schluessel.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nA piece with your old SUV's logo hangs from it.\n\n[[Go to bed|01HOME04]]\n<<playsound $examineitem>>\n<<set $chosendream to "car">>
The stuffed rabbit is still inside.\nSusie might want to come visit and pick it up. \n\n[[►|GOODENDING07]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="treppenhaus.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nHe continues mumbling some words you can't understand, his mouth forming a gentle smile.\n<<set $dreampoints +=5>>\n[[►|01TRAVEL01]]\n<<set $parentscounter +=5>>\n\n<<playsound $newaction>>
The alarm goes off. \n\n[[►|PARENTSBADENDING051]]\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n<<loopsound $alarm>>
What friends?\n\n[[Head towards train station|TRAINBADENDINGCLEAN01]]
Dream Points Score: <<print $dreampoints>>\n<<set $day +=1>>\n<<if $day eq "5">>[[►|ENDINGLOUNGE]]\n\n<<else>>[[►|DAYSTART]]<<endif>><<silently>>\n<<fadeoutsound $spacedream>>\n<<fadeoutsound $noisesuspense>>\n<<fadeoutsound $brownnoise>>\n<<fadeoutsound $breathinghelm>><<endsilently>>
As you're pulled, you slowly reach your personal belongings floating about.\nYour achievements.\n\n[[►|SPACEDREAMWALL]]\n\n<<playsound $umbilicalcord>>
That was pointless. You never had a maid.\nLeaving laundry around, expecting it to work out itself. An old habit from marriage. \n\n[[►|W04]]
The alarm goes off.\n\n<<if $spacepoints gte $carpoints and $spacepoints gte $trainpoints>>[[►|SPACEBADENDING]]\n\n<<else if $trainpoints gte $carpoints>>\n[[►|TRAINBADENDING]]\n\n<<else>>[[►|CARBADENDING]]<<endif>><<silently>>\n\n<<set $alarm to "alarm.mp3">>\n<<loopsound $alarm>><<endsilently>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="zug_achterbahn_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe train ascends again, stops. \nIt dives again. Forever in loops after loops.\n\n[[►|TRAINDREAM0707]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="zug_achterbahn_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe train ascends again, stops. \nIt dives again. Forever in loops after loops.\n\n[[Bear it|TRAINDREAM0708]]\n[[Take a pill|Connectiontopilldream]]\n<<fadeinsound $heartbeat>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="zug_achterbahn_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou begin to wonder at the point of all these ups and downs for a train track. The beginning of an headache makes itself known.\n\n[[►|TRAINDREAM0705]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="zug_achterbahn_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe train ascends again, stops. \nIt dives again. Forever in loops after loops.\n\n[[►|TRAINDREAM0706]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="zug_innen_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe train begins to move, shaking and rumbling. \nUp the hill. The footing grows steep.\n\n[[Hold on tight|TRAINDREAM0703]]\n[[Find yourself a seat|TRAINDREAM08]]\n\n<<fadeinsound $crazytrain>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="zug_achterbahn_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe train comes to a sudden stop at the highest peak of the track. \nThen it dives down in a loop.\n\n[[►|TRAINDREAMWALL]]\n<<fadeinsound $noisesuspense>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="rote_augen_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nBeady red eyes glint in the near dark.\n\n[["Have we met?"|DARKNESSMET01]]\n[["Where am I?"|DARKNESSWHERE01]]\n[[Walk away|DARKNESSRETURN03]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="pausen_raum.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nOn your way to the break room, Bob waves you over from whitin. \n"Morning, Peter," he says, "How are you?"\n\n[["Fine."|01BREAK03]]\n<<if $socialpoints gte 1>>[["How about you?"|01BREAK03_1]]<<else>>[["Fine."|01BREAK03]]<<endif>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="pausen_raum.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou head towards the break room, strangely self-conscious of any gazes possibly set on you. Perhaps you should've gotten started on work properly.\n\n[[►|01BREAK02]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="rote_augen_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"I know all of your dirty little secrets, human. Hell, I've seen your death. Appropriately pointless."\n\n[["How could you know all of my secrets?"|DARKNESSSCRETS01]]\n[["How am I going to die?"|DARKNESSDIE01]]\n[[Slowly walk away|DARKNESSRETURN03]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="rote_augen_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nA small stuffed rabbit stands on its hind legs.\n"Hello, Peter."\n\n[["How do you know my name?"|DARKNESS04]]\n[["Have we met?"|DARKNESSMET01]]\n[["Where am I?"|DARKNESSWHERE01]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="rote_augen_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour hear rustling around you. Two beady red eyes look up at you from the ground.\n\n[["Hello?"|DARKNESS03][$dreampoints +=5, $daughterpoints +=5]]\n[[Slowly walk away|DARKNESSRETURN01]]
You head into the darkness until you can no longer see the shape of your arms and legs.\n\n[[►|DARKNESS02]]\n\n<<fadeinsound $noisesuspensehigh>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="therapiezimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Alright Mr. Doe, I think we're making some progress. Let's check out how you can handle confrontation."\n\n[[►|confrontation_1]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="handy.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour phone's inbox is empty. <<if $socialpoints gte 10>>Just like last time.<<endif>>\n\n[[Study phone|EXAMINEPHONE02]]\n[[Look back at window's ledge|WINDOWEXAMINE01]]\n\n\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="treppenhaus.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nOn your way down, you bump into old Mr. Porter. \nHe mumbles something under his breath.\n\n[["Good morning, Mr. Porter."|01TRAVEL01]]\n[["Good morning, Mr. Porter."|01TRAVEL01]]\n<<if $parentspoints gte 1>>[["How are you doing, Mr. Porter?"|01TRAVEL01_1]]<<else>> <<endif>>\n<<set $stairs to "stairs.mp3">>\n<<loopsound $stairs>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="treppenhaus.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nOn your way out to work, you grab your briefcase and keys, lock the door and step out into the stairwell.\nThe grey rigged carpet is covered with dirt and cigarette butts.\n\n[[Take the stairs|01LEAVE02]]\n[[Take the lift|01LIFT01]]\n<<set $door_opening to "door_opening.mp3">>\n<<fadeoutsound $kitchen>>\n<<playsound $door_opening>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="handy.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nA decreasing lack of activity since any friends left you for Mary instead.\n\n[[Go to bed|01HOME04]]\n\n<<playsound $examineitem>>\n<<set $chosendream to "social">>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour feet touch the cool floor.\n\n[[►|SPACEBADENDING07]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou pick up a pair of socks.\n\n[[Brown socks|SPACEBADENDING08]]\n[[Black socks|SPACEBADENDING08]]
The alarm goes off. You reach out with your hand.\n\nThe screen shows 10:07.\n\n[[Get up|SPACEBADENDING06]]\n[[Press snooze|SPACEBADENDING05]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n<<loopsound $alarm>>
The alarm goes off. \n\n[[►|SPACEBADENDING051]]\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n<<loopsound $alarm>>
You press snooze and close your eyes.\n\n[[►|SPACEBADENDING03]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>
The alarm goes off. You open your left eye and blink.\n\nThe screen shows 10:06.\n\n[[Get up|SPACEBADENDING06]]\n[[Press snooze|SPACEBADENDING04]]\n\n<<loopsound $alarm>>
The alarm goes off.\n\n<<if $daughterpoints gte $wifepoints and $daughterpoints gte $parentspoints>>[[►|DAUGHTERBADENDING]]\n\n<<else if $wifepoints gte $parentspoints>>[[►|WIFEBADENDING]]\n\n<<else>>[[►|PARENTSBADENDING]]<<endif>><<silently>>\n\n<<set $alarm to "alarm.mp3">>\n<<loopsound $alarm>><<endsilently>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="cafeteria.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou raise up your gaze from your meal as you're distracted by your colleagues' laughter. Your colleagues join in Sandra's inside joke.\n\n[[Smile politely|01AFTERNOON]]\n<<if $therapypoints gte 1>>[[Join in your colleagues' laughter|01LUNCH03][set $dreampoints +=5][set $therapycounter +=5]]<<else>>[[Smile politely|01AFTERNOON]]<<endif>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="cafeteria.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nLater on, you join your colleagues at the local cafeteria. You find yourself a seat by the end of the table and dutifully take on the meaning of meal time.\n\n[[►|01LUNCH02]]\n\n<<set $cafeteria to "cafeteria.mp3">>\n<<fadeoutsound $office>>\n<<fadeinsound $cafeteria>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="zug_innen_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThere are none free. It would seem that somehow everybody has found a pole of their own.\nYou wonder how they managed it.\n\n[[Hold onto the wall|TRAINDREAM0702]]\n[[Find a seat instead|TRAINDREAM08]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe socks fill up with the shape of your feet.\n\n[[Dress up casual|SPACEBADENDING09]]\n[[Dress up formal|SPACEBADENDING0902]]\n
You suppose there's no point in being fussy about it.\n\n[[Choose red tie|SPACEBADENDINGRED]]\n[[Choose band t-shirt|SPACEBADENDINDGGREEN]]
The alarm clock goes off. You open your eyes. \n\n[[►|WIFEWAKEUP02]]<<silently>>\n\n<<stopallsound>>\n<<set $alarm_hall = "alarm_hall.mp3">>\n<<set $wifedream = "wifedream.mp3">>\n<<set $brownnoise = "brownnoise.mp3">>\n<<set $noisesuspense = "noisesuspense.mp3">>\n<<set $heartbeat = "heartbeatalarm.mp3">>\n<<set $eggs = "eggs.mp3">>\n<<set $dooropen = "door_opening.mp3">>\n<<set $sizzlinghigh = "sizzlinghigh.mp3">>\n<<set $bones_breaking = "bones_breaking.mp3">>\n<<set $whispering = "whispering.mp3">>\n<<set $gunshot = "gunshot.mp3">>\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>><<endsilently>>
The walls are covered with posters: "Stay healthy, stay alive!" - "Stay productive, stay alive!" \n\n[[◄|break_2_1]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="ubahn_tuere_oeffnen.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe train door shudders open. A businessman next to you takes on the crowd exiting the car. You are gently nudged inside as people around feel they should follow suit.\n\n[[►|01TRAVEL01TRAIN03]]\n\n\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="ubahn_einfahrt.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou head towards the train station.\n\n[[►|01TRAVEL01TRAIN02]]\n\n<<set $trainstation to "trainstation.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $trainstation>>\n<<fadeoutsound $outside>>
Driver's license, car papers, pill box.\n\nCar Lifespan Tips Issue Nr.1: "Choose your fuel wisely."\n\n[[◄|CARWAKEUP0503]]\n\n<<playsound $examineitem>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="pillbox.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"To use with caution and discretion."\nOr was it cautious discretion?\nAnyway, that's what you need after a stressful day at work.\n\n[[Go to bed|01HOME04]]\n<<playsound $examineitem>>\n<<set $chosendream to "work">>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="pillbox.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nIt contains little green pellets. <<if $workpoints gte 10>>Your recent fingerprints remain on it.<<endif>>\n\n[[Study pill box|EXAMINEpill box02]]\n[[Look back at nightstand|NIGHTSTANDEXAMINE01]]\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="rote_augen_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"In the big motherfuckin' circle that is time. \nWhere everything you've done up until now in life, it'll happen all over again and again."\n\n[[►|DARKNESSWHERE02]]
As you step outside your apartment, the ceiling gives out and you are sucked into the immensity of the pitch black abyss above you.\n\n[[►|DREAMWIFEEND][$dreampoints +=5, $wifepoints +=5]]\n\n<<fadeoutsound $eggs>>\n<<playsound $dooropen>>\n<<playsound $collapse>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="rote_augen_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Rejoice, little human. Or cry."\n\n[[◄|DARKNESS0703]]
[[Skip work|Wskip work 01]]\n[[Go to work|W14]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="kueche_kopfueber_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour wife stretches herself on her tiptoes to hand you over your work coat from the far vertical end of the kitchen.\n\n[["I can't reach you."|W18]]\n[["Nevermind. It's nice out anyway."|W19]]\n\n<<fadeinsound $heartbeat>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="kueche_kopfueber_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"I'm off to work", you announce over the sound of sizzling sausage.\n\n"Don't forget your coat", she says.\n\n[[►|W16]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="kueche_kopfueber_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nAlthough the numbers on the calendar mean all the same to you, today seems to be a workday. \n\n[[Go to work|W14]]\n[[Skip work|W17]]\n\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="kueche_kopfueber_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou decide to stop repeating yourself.\nShe never listens anyway.\n\n[[►|W12]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="kueche_kopfueber_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Do you want some sausage and eggs?"\n\n[["Yes."|W08]]\n[["Yes."|W11]]
Your ex-wife left you a message.\nShe wonders how you've been and she'd like to meet up for coffee. Might be worth considering.\n\n[[►|GOODENDINGKITCHEN01]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="partyraum.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe niblet is stuck in your throat. You start choking but it won't move.\n\n[[►|6_2_6]]\n\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="partyraum.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Hey Peter, we should definetly meet again some day! It's been ages." - "Good evening, Mr. Doe."\n"How's work going, Mr. Doe?" - "Have you seen the weather forecast? It's going to be a wonderful week." \n\n[[►|6_2_4_1]]\n
Your lungs are running out of air. You see the dark wooden floor approaching. \n\n[[►|DREAMSOCIALINTERACTIONEND]]<<silently>>\n<<set $collapse_onto_floor_hall to "collapse_onto_floor_hall.mp3">>\n<<playsound $collapse_onto_floor_hall>><<endsilently>>
There are neither doors nor windows, just blank white walls. You feel the pressure inside the room increase steadily.\n\n[[Wait|pressure_3]]
The air is slowly being pressed out of your lungs. A cracking sound emerges from your ribcage. You lose consciousness.\n\n[[►|DREAMTHERAPYEND]]\n\n<<set $bones_breaking to "bones_breaking.mp3">>\n<<playsound $bones_breaking>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="partyraum.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"How are you doing, Mr. Doe?" - "Isn't the weather just wonderful today?" - "Ah Mr. Doe, so nice to see you here." \n\n[["Good evening."|6_2_4]]\n[["Fine, thank you."|6_2_4]]\n[["Yes, indeed."|6_2_4]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="therapiezimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nOnly a yawning void is left back. \n\n[[Look at blackboard|blackboard][$dreampoints +=3, $therapypoints +=3]]\n[[Wait|pressure_2]]
The door shuts behind you. There's a large queue of people standing in front of you.\n\n[[►|roof_0]]<<silently>><<fadeoutsound $socialdream>>\n<<fadeoutsound $whispering>>\n<<set $workdream to "workdream.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $workdream>>\n<<set $roofdeath to "yes">><<endsilently>>
You suppose you can put in an effort.\nThere's nothing to lose by now.\n\n[[Choose red tie|SPACEBADENDINGRED]]\n[[Choose band t-shirt|SPACEBADENDINDGGREEN]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="strasse.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nOil costs are too high these days. So you opt for public transport.\n\n<<if $carpoints gte 1>>[[►|01TRAVEL01CAR02]]<<else>>[[►|01TRAVEL01TRAIN01]]<<endif>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="strasse.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou decide that you have to do something about your car, however. \nYou're a single-man with only so much income.\n\n[[►|01TRAVEL01TRAIN01]]\n<<set $dreampoints +=5>>\n<<playsound $newaction>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nAn old and forgotten stuffed rabbit. <<if $daughterpoints gte 10>>It's still fairly dusty even as you're holding it up once again.<<endif>>\n\n[[Study the toy|EXAMINEBUNNY02]]\n[[Look back at box|BOXEXAMINE01]]\n\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nSusie used to carry it with her everywhere when she was younger.\n\n[[Go to bed|01HOME04]]\n\n<<playsound $examineitem>>\n<<set $chosendream to "daughter">>
"Yes, Mr. Porter, I agree. Parents affect their children ever so much. I wonder if it's simply unavoidable for every child in the world to wish for their approval? Yes? Oh, fascinating thought, Mr. Porter."\n\n[[Ignore them and move on|MOUNTAIN07]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schreibtisch.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nPress "A".\n\n[[A|01COMPUTER03]]\n[[B|01COMPUTER02]]\n[[C|01COMPUTER02]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schreibtisch.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nPress "B".\n\n[[A|01COMPUTER03]]\n[[B|01COMPUTER04]]\n[[C|01COMPUTER03]]\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schreibtisch.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou take on your morning tasks, strangely self-conscious of any gazes possibly set on you. Perhaps you should've greeted your colleagues properly.\n\n[[►|01COMPUTER02]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schreibtisch.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n[[Print.|01COMPUTER07]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="kopierraum.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nOn your way to get your copies from the printer, you see Bob waving you over from the break room. \n"Morning, Peter," he says, "How are you?"\n\n[["Fine."|01BREAK03]]\n<<if $socialpoints gte 1>>[["How about you?"|01BREAK03_1]]<<else>>[["Fine."|01BREAK03]]<<endif>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schreibtisch.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n[[Press.|01COMPUTER05]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schreibtisch.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n[[Press.|01COMPUTER06]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour feet touch the cool floor.\n\n[[►|WORKBADENDING07]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou pick up a pair of socks.\n\n[[Brown socks|WORKBADENDING08]]\n[[Black socks|WORKBADENDING08]]
The alarm goes off. You reach out with your hand.\n\nThe screen shows 10:07.\n\n[[Get up|WORKBADENDING06]]\n[[Press snooze|WORKBADENDING05]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n<<loopsound $alarm>>
The alarm goes off. \n\n[[►|WORKBADENDING051]]\n\n<<loopsound $alarm>>
You press snooze and close your eyes.\n\n[[►|WORKBADENDING03]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>
The alarm goes off. You open your left eye and blink.\n\nThe screen shows 10:06.\n\n[[Get up|WORKBADENDING06]]\n[[Press snooze|WORKBADENDING04]]\n\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>>
You press snooze and close your eyes.\n\n[[►|TRAINDREAM0302]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="dachkante_abgrund_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Excuse me, sir, you‘ve concluded a contract. We have to take legal actions against you if you don‘t follow our agreement."\n\n[[Throw yourself from the roof|roof_3]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="dachterrasse_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nIt's your turn. "Hello, sir," a woman in a dark suit smiles politely. "Would you please sign here before proceeding?"\n\n[[Sign|roof_2]]\n[[Read terms and conditions|terms][$dreampoints +=2, $workpoints +=2]]\n
<<if $roofdeath eq "yes">>[[Wait|roof_1]]<<else>>[[Wait|roof_1]]\n[[Turn around|turn]]<<endif>><<silently>>\n\n<<fadeoutsound $office_dream>>\n<<set $office_dream_sound to "out">>\n<<set $heartbeatalarm to "heartbeatalarm.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $heartbeatalarm>>\n<<set $wind to "wind.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $wind>><<endsilently>>
You feel the air drag pushing against your body. Cars are approaching. Your body hits the cold pavement.\n\n[[►|death_work]]<<silently>>\n<<set $falling_impact_hall to "falling_impact_hall.mp3">>\n<<playsound $falling_impact_hall>>\n<<fadeoutsound $wind>><<endsilently>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour bare feet touch the cool floor.\n\n[[Pick up a pair of brown socks|TRAINDREAM0401]]\n[[Pick up a pair of black socks|TRAINDREAM0402]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>
<<if $daughterpoints gte 7>>Your bare feet touch the cool floor and knock against your box of knick-knacks.\n\n[[►|GOODENDINGDAUGHTER]]<<else>>Your bare feet touch the cool floor.\n\n[[►|GOODENDING07]]<<endif>>\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou pick up a pair of socks.\n\n[[Brown socks|GOODENDING08]]\n[[Black socks|GOODENDING08]]
The alarm goes off. You reach out with your hand.\nThe screen shows 10:07.\n\n<<if $therapypoints gte 7>>[[Get up|GOODENDINGTHERAPY]]\n[[Press snooze|GOODENDING05]]<<else>>[[Get up|GOODENDING06]]\n[[Press snooze|GOODENDING05]]<<endif>>\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n<<loopsound $alarm>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="zug_innen_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou spot an empty seat in the rows of train seats.\nSitting down, you notice that there are seatbelts in this train. Everybody's else's seatbelts are fastened too.\n\n[[Fasten your seatbelt|TRAINDREAM0802][$dreampoints +=5, $trainpoints +=5]]\n[[Don't fasten your seatbelt|TRAINDREAM0802][$seatbelt = "no"]]
You press snooze and close your eyes.\n\n[[►|GOODENDING03]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>
The alarm goes off. You open your left eye and blink.\nThe screen shows 10:06.\n\n<<if $therapypoints gte 7>>[[Get up|GOODENDINGTHERAPY]]\n[[Press snooze|GOODENDING04]]<<else>>[[Get up|GOODENDING06]]\n[[Press snooze|GOODENDING04]]<<endif>>\n\n<<loopsound $alarm>>
The alarm goes off.\n\n[[►|GOODENDING01]]<<silently>>\n\n<<set $alarm to "alarm.mp3">>\n<<set $sigh = "sigh.mp3">>\n<<set $kitchen= "kitchen.mp3">>\n<<set $alarm = "alarm.mp3">>\n<<set $newaction = "newaction.mp3">>\n<<set $traininside = "traininside.mp3">>\n<<set $door_opening = "door_opening.mp3">>\n<<set $examineitem = "examineitem.mp3">>\n<<set $stairs = "stairs.mp3">>\n<<set $lift = "lift.mp3">>\n<<set $outside = "outside.mp3">>\n<<set $fallbed = "fallbed.mp3">>\n<<set $collapse = "collapse.mp3">>\n<<set $trainstation to "trainstation.mp3">>\n<<set $traininside to "traininside.mp3">>\n<<set $theme to "theme.mp3">>\n<<loopsound $alarm>><<endsilently>>
You open your eyes. The screen shows 10:05.\n\n[[►|GOODENDING01_1]]\n\n<<set $goodending = "goodending.mp3">>\n<<set $brownnoise = "brownnoise.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $brownnoise>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="ubahn_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe silhouette of a train is approaching from a distance. The crowd begins to move towards the rails.\n\n[[Move with crowd|train_3]]\n[[Move against crowd|train_3_1][$socialpoints +=5]]
You get carried away by the crowd onto the train track. Your feet hit the metal rails. The train approaches.\n\n[[►|death_work]]\n\n<<set $bones_breaking to "bones_breaking.mp3">>\n<<playsound $bones_breaking>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou can't remember what you did throughout business school. <<if $spacepoints gte 10>> The glass still bears prints from your recent touch.<<endif>>\n\n[[Study diploma|EXAMINEDIPLOMA02]]\n[[Look back at box|BOXEXAMINE01]]\n\n\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou had other plans and dreams but the years went by so quickly. \n\n[[Go to bed|01HOME04]]\n\n<<playsound $examineitem>>\n<<set $chosendream to "space">>
You try to leave only to find the ground beneath you fail under your weight. It swallows your body whole, pressing into your chest and breaking your ribs until you finally suffocate.\n\n[[►|DREAMDAUGHTEREND][$dreampoints +=5, $daughterpoints +=5]]\n\n<<playsound $collapse>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="arbeitsplatz_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou turn around and leave the queue. "Alright. Bye, Peter!"\n<<fadeoutsound $wind>>\n[["Bye, Bob."|turn_1]]\n[["Bye, Bob."|turn_1]]
You remember your last session with your therapist. \n\n"As you don't seem to be making any progress we might have to consider other options."\n\n[[►|killing_pills]]\n\n<<stopallsound>>\n<<set $therapydream = "therapydream.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $brownnoise>>\n<<fadeinsound $therapydream>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="therapiezimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"There are some new pills on the market that might be able to solve some problems."\n\n[[Take pills|pills_1]]\n[[Don't take pills|killing_pills_5]]\n\n<<set $heartbeatalarm to "heartbeatalarm.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $heartbeatalarm>>
On the way out you take a look at your phone. There's a new item in your inbox.\n\n[[►|GOODENDINGWIFE]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="ubahn_innen.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe Pole-Woman meets your gaze from her usual spot and nods in greeting.\n\n[[►|01HOME01]]\n\n<<playsound $newaction>>\n<<set $askedwoman to 0>>
You press snooze and close your eyes.\n\n[[►|therapy_4]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="therapiezimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"I see..." two deep wrinkles emerge between her eyebrows. "Let me ask you some questions," she opens her notebook.\n\n[[►|question_1]]\n
You get up.\n\n[[►|therapy10]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>
The alarm goes off.\n\n[[Press snooze|therapy_7]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>>
The alarm goes off. You reach out with your hand.\nThe screen shows 07:07.\n\n[[Get up|therapy10]]\n[[Press snooze|therapy_6]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>>
The alarm goes off. You open your left eye and blink.\nThe screen shows 07:06.\n\n[[Get up|therapy10]]\n[[Press snooze|therapy_5]]\n\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="logo_screen.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n[[START|DAYSTART]]\n\n<<set $theme = "theme.mp3">>\n<<loopsound $theme>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="partyraum.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Ah Mr. Doe, nice to see you here!" an elderly man in a grey suit is smiling at you.\n\n[["Good evening, Mr. Foster."|6_2_2]]\n[["Good evening, Mr. Foster."|6_2_2]]\n\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="pausenraum_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nBob joins you at the coffee table, swallowing two anti-stress pills, "Hey man, I'm leaving early today. Can't stand the work anymore. Wanna come with me?"\n\n[["Yes."|roof][$dreampoints +=2, $workpoints +=2]]\n[["No."|work2]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="pausenraum_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou pour yourself some coffee from the tab.\n\n[[Take a seat|break_3]]\n[[Look around|break][$dreampoints +=2, $workpoints +=2]]\n\n<<set $coffee_pouring_hall to "coffee_pouring_hall.mp3">>\n<<playsound $coffee_pouring_hall>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="pausenraum_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou leave your desk and make your way to the coffee lounge. Halfway, you‘re passing the queue to the rooftop which is mile-long as usual. "Bye, Peter!" Susan waves at you, standing in line.\n\n[["Bye, Susan."|break_2]]\n[["Bye, Susan."|break_2]]\n
[[Take a break|break_1][$dreampoints +=3, $workpoints +=3]]\n[[Hand in prints|prints_1]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="kueche_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nIt would have tasted better some days ago. Nevertheless, you finish the bowl to the last spoon.\n\n[[And wait.|BADENDINGGAME]]\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="kueche_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou get some milk from the fridge. Its date has expired but it will do anyways. You pour it into the cereal bowl, adding the little green pellets. \n\n[[►|THERAPYBADENDINGCLEAN02]]\n<<set $coffee_pouring to "coffee_pouring.mp3">>\n<<playsound $coffee_pouring>>
You won't have any choice but to be delivered as a zombie to one such places.\n\nMaybe by your own family.\n\n[[Try to calm down|PARENTSBADENDINGCLEAN01]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="partyraum.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou hear the sound of voices from a distance. As you walk towards the kitchen, the sound gets louder. \nYou open the kitchen door and a waiter in a black coat is walking up to you. He's holding a tray with buttered bread. \n\n[[►|3]]\n\n<<set $socialdream to "socialdream.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $socialdream>>\n<<set $whispering to "whispering.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $whispering>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="therapiezimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou let yourself sink onto the couch. \n\n[[Wait|waiting_2]]\n[[Look at magazines|magazines]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="therapiezimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nAn woman in her mid-forties enteres the room, taking a seat on a chair next to you. She adjusts her horn-rimmed glasses and\ngets out a thick notebook and a ballpen, "Good morning, Mr. Doe. How are you feeling today?"\n\n[["Fine."|therapy_2]]\n[["Miserable."|therapy_2][$dreampoints += 3, $therapypoints +=3]]\n\n<<set $door_opening_hall to "door_opening_hall.mp3">>\n<<playsound $door_opening_hall>>
Dream Points Score: <<print $dreampoints>>\n<<set $day +=1>>\n<<if $day gte 5>>[[►|ENDINGLOUNGE]]\n<<else>>[[►|DAYSTART]]<<endif>><<silently>>\n\n<<fadeoutsound $socialdream>>\n<<fadeoutsound $brownnoise>>\n<<fadeoutsound $noisesuspense>>\n<<fadeoutsound $whispering>><<endsilently>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="zug_achterbahn_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe ride grows wilder and wilder and you find yourself a doll to speed's mercy as you hold onto the pole for your life.\n\n[[►|TRAINDREAM0708]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="berglandschaft_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nBeyond rolling white hills, what appears to be the largest mountain rises with the highest view of the land. \nIn the opposite direction, darkness and the unknown.\n\n[[Head towards the great mountain|MOUNTAIN01]]\n[[Head towards the darkness|DARKNESS01]]\n[[Look around the strange world|DETAIL01]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="berglandschaft_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou can make no sense yet of this strange world and its rules.\n\n[[Head towards the great mountain|MOUNTAIN01]]\n[[Head towards the darkness|DARKNESS01]]\n\n<<fadeoutsound $sleepinggiant>>
The alarm clock goes off. You open your eyes to look at the display.\nYou realise that it's still dark.\n\n[[►|DREAMDAUGHTERWAKEUP01]]<<silently>>\n\n<<stopallsound>>\n<<set $alarm_hall = "alarm_hall.mp3">>\n<<set $daughterdream = "daughterdream.mp3">>\n<<set $brownnoise = "brownnoise.mp3">>\n<<set $noisesuspense = "noisesuspense.mp3">>\n<<set $noisesuspensehigh = "noisesuspensehigh.mp3">>\n<<set $heartbeat = "heartbeatalarm.mp3">>\n<<set $whispering = "whispering.mp3">>\n<<set $gunshot = "gunshot.mp3">>\n<<playsound $alarm_hall>><<endsilently>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="berglandschaft_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nAs your eyes adjust to the darkness, you see a land of black sky and woollen ground stretch before you.\nThis is no longer your apartment.\n\n[[►|DREAMDAUGHTER02]]\n\n<<fadeinsound $daughterdream>>\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nBulky and large. Too large for just one person.\n\n[[Get your keys|CARBADENDINGCLEAN01]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n\nYou grab the rabbit from the box.\n\n[[Get plastic trash bag|DAUGHTERBADENDINGWINDOW01]]
Alongside you.\n\n[[Throw out rabbit|DAUGHTERBADENDINGCLEAN03]]\n[[Get plastic trash bag|DAUGHTERBADENDINGWINDOW01]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nInside the box, the old stuffed rabbit that she forgot.\n\n[[►|DAUGHTERBADENDINGCLEAN02]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nOn a second look, a thin layer of dust has set atop several objects.\n\n[[Look at family portrait|EXAMINEFAMILYPORTRAIT01]]\n[[Look at pill box|EXAMINEpill box01]]\n[[Look at car keychain|EXAMINEKEYCHAIN01]]\n[[Stop looking at nightstand|BEDROOM01]]\n<<playsound $examineitem>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="kueche_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nAs you take in your breakfast, you open the newspaper and study the employment ads.\n\n[[►|GOODENDINGKITCHEN03]]
You open your eyes. The screen shows 10:05.\n\n[[►|PARENTSBADENDING01_1]]\n\n<<set $badending = "badending.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $badending>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="kueche_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour parent's marriage aniversary is coming up.\nThey might appreciate that you thought of them.\n\n[[►|GOODENDINGLEAVE01]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou have difficulty even trying standing up from the bed. A sudden sharp pain spreads from your chest as you breathe.\n\nAs the years go by, you feel your body cramp more and more.\n\n[[Look at home care brochure|PARENTSBADENDINGFAMILY]]\n[[Wait it out|PARENTSBADENDINGFRIENDS]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nAfter dressing properly, you make your way to the window. The ledge is cluttered with objects.\n\n[[Clean up ledge|SOCIALBADENDINGCLEAN01]]\n[[Open window|SOCIALBADENDINGOPEN01]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour feet touch the cool floor.\n\n[[►|SOCIALBADENDING07]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>
The alarm clock goes off. You open your eyes. The screen shows 07:05.\n\n[[►|01WAKEUP02]]\n<<loopsound $alarm>>\n<<fadeinsound $brownnoise>>
Next station.\n\n[[►|GOODENDINGLEAVE12]]\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="ubahn_innen.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Next station...", it says.\n\n[[►|GOODENDINGLEAVE11]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="logo_screen.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nTHE END\n\n[[►|CREDITS]]\n\n
You're a grown man. Your trusty childhood blanket was thrown away a long time ago.\n\n[[Warm up|WIFEBADENDINGCLEAN01]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="kueche.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe milk tastes bittersweet. It's close to spoiling anyday now.\n\n[[►|01LEAVE01]]
The alarm goes off. You open your left eye and blink.\n\nThe screen shows 10:06.\n\n[[Get up|PARENTSBADENDING06]]\n[[Press snooze|PARENTSBADENDING04]]\n\n<<loopsound $alarm>>
The alarm goes off. You open your left eye and blink.\nThe screen shows 10:06.\n\n[[Get up|SOCIALBADENDING06]]\n[[Press snooze|SOCIALBADENDING04]]\n<<set $alarm to "alarm.mp3">>\n<<loopsound $alarm>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="pausen_raum.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nBob and you briefly talk about the poor economy and how it's affected your lives and the people you know.\n\n[[►|01LUNCH01]]
There are some posters hanging on the walls: \n"Be motivated, resilient, productive, strong, mindful, fast, efficient, sensible, hardworking, loyal, above average, dedicated, conscientious, flawless, neat, devoted, fast, polite, respectful, careful, reasonable, cautious, stressable, attentive, keen..."\n\n[[◄|work2_1_1]]
Mr. Porter says something in a nearly inaudible whisper.\n\n[[►|MOUNTAIN04][$dreampoints +=5]]\n\n<<fadeoutsound $alarm_hall>>\n<<fadeoutsound $parentsdream>>\n<<fadeoutsound $noisesuspense>>\n<<fadeoutsound $heartbeat>>\n<<fadeoutsound $whispering>>\n\n<<set $alarm_halldaughter = "alarmdaughter.mp3">>\n<<set $daughterdream = "daughterdream.mp3">>\n<<set $brownnoise = "brownnoise.mp3">>\n<<set $noisesuspense = "noisesuspense.mp3">>\n<<set $noisesuspensehigh = "noisesuspensehigh.mp3">>\n<<set $heartbeat = "heartbeatalarm.mp3">>\n\n<<fadeinsound $brownnoise>>\n<<fadeinsound $daughterdream>>\n<<fadeinsound $noisesuspense>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="Weltall.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou get away from the box and strange site as far as you can.\n\n[[►|DARKNESS01CONNECTION]]\n\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_kopfueber_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou should probably leave a note behind for your maid.\n\n[[Leave a note|WNote 01][$dreampoints +=5, $wifepoints +=5]]\n[[Nevermind|W04]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="therapiezimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nBe sympathetic, funny, happy, strong, good-looking, resilient, talkative, loyal, honest, modest, down-to-earth, intelligent, clever, mindful, reasonable, caring, thoughtful, cheerful... \n\n[[◄|pressure_1_1]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_kopfueber_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou thought you'd rest some before doing the laundry. Just for five minutes.\nHowever this happened about three weeks ago.\n\n[[►|Wlaundry basket 02]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="Weltall.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou travel the moon seas, moon rock scattered in your wake, until you reach the beacon. It is among an excavation site, tools abandoned in the ground.\nA cardboard box much like the one under your bed is at the centre of the site.\n\n[[Open the box|SPACEDREAM0806]]\n[[Don't open the box|SPACEDREAMNOBOX]]\n\n<<fadeinsound $heartbeatalarm>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="Weltall.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe craters' shadows extend for lenghts the size of trains.\nA beacon in the far distance. Its red light flickers on and off.\n\n[[►|SPACEDREAM0805]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="Weltall.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou look all over the excavation site but you find nothing but moon rock upon moon rock.\n\n[[►|SPACEDREAM0808]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour bare feet touch the cool floor.\n\n[[Pick up a pair of brown socks|01WAKEUP04BROWN]]\n[[Pick up a pair of black socks|01WAKEUP04BLACK]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="Weltall.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou hold onto your suit's umbilical cord and follow it.\nYou follow it all the way up to the Moon.\n\n[[Land on the Moon|SPACEDREAM0802]]\n\n<<fadeinsound $noisesuspense>>\n<<playsound $umbilicalcord>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="Weltall.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou make your way across the lit celestial body.\nOne heavy step at a time.\n\n[[►|SPACEDREAM0804]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="Weltall.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou fall down onto the rocky satellite, a wave of galactic dust rising on impact.\nYou are on the line separating the bright and dark side of moon.\n\n[[Head towards the bright side|SPACEDREAM0803]]\n[[Head towards the dark side|DARKNESS01CONNECTION]]\n\n<<playsound $landingmoon>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="zug_achterbahn_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou begin to wonder at the point of all these ups and downs for a train track. The beginning of an headache makes itself known.\n\n[[Bear it|TRAINDREAM0806]]\n[[Take a pill|Connectiontopilldream]]
A sharp rock ruptures your suit as you dig for answers. You try and press it tight but that only leads to sudden ruptures all over your space suit. \nYou are jettisoned upwards into the dark nothingness.\n\n[[►|SPACEDREAMEND][$dreampoints +=5, $spacepoints +=5]]\n\n<<playsound $collapse_hall>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="Weltall.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou keep looking, digging your hands under the pebbles and looking for whatever has been misplaced.\nYou didn't come this far for nothing.\n\n[[►|SPACEDREAM0809]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="zug_achterbahn_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe train comes to a sudden stop at the highest peak of the track. \nThen it dives down in a loop.\n\n<<if $seatbelt is "no">>[[►|TRAINNOSEATBELTSITTING]]\n\n<<else>>[[►|TRAINDREAM0805]]<<endif>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schreibtisch_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n[[Squeeze.|work_1_7]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schreibtisch_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n[[Squash.|work_1_8]]<<silently>>\n\n<<set $noisesuspense to "noisesuspense.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $noisesuspense>><<endsilently>>
They're your own.\n\nUnwashed but otherwise nothing else has changed about them.\n\n[[◄|W0302]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schreibtisch_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n[[Press.|work_1_5_1]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schreibtisch_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nPress "B".\n\n[[A|work_1_2]]\n[[B|work_1_3]]\n[[C|work_1_2]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schreibtisch_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nPress "C".\n\n[[A|work_1_3]]\n[[B|work_1_3]]\n[[C|work_1_4]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schreibtisch_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nPress "A".\n\n[[A|work_1_2]]\n[[B|work_1_1]]\n[[C|work_1_1]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="therapiezimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nTip Nr. 117: Try to stay alive for as long as you can. It will be beneficial for your health. \nBut don't blame yourself if you don't succeed. Everyone is going to die in the end. \nOn the whole, death's just a gate between realities.\n\n[[◄|waiting_102]]\n\n<<set $paper to "paper.mp3">>\n<<playsound $paper>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schreibtisch_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n[[Damage.|work_1_9]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schreibtisch_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n[[Bruise.|break_0]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="lift_2.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Good morning Mr. Doe", comes from her lips, her eyes starring at the metal doors infront of you. \nThe doors open and you get off. \n\n[[►|01TRAVEL01]]
Your headache slowly dwindles into lightheadedness and, despite the adrenaline, your body grows number and number.\n Finally, loop after loop forces all breath out of your lungs and you close your eyes.\n\n[[►|TRAINDREAMEND][$dreampoints +=5, $trainpoints +=5]]\n<<playsound $breathinghelm>>
You open your eyes. The screen shows 10:05.\n\n[[►|CARBADENDING01_1]]\n\n<<set $badending = "badending.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $badending>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="lift_1.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe doors open and Mrs. Martin gets on. She‘s wearing her old beaver-fur hat. \n\n[["Good morning, Mrs. Martin."|01LIFT02]]\n[["Good morning, Mrs. Martin."|01LIFT02]]\n<<if $parentspoints gte 1 >>[["How are you doing, Mrs. Martin?"|01LIFT02_1]]<<else>> <<endif>>\n<<set $lift to "lift.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $lift>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="riesen_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"She's gotten so big", you manage to say. \n\n[[►|MOUNTAINRABBIT0102]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="zug_achterbahn_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe train ascends again, stops. \nIt dives again. Forever in loops after loops.\n\n[[Bear it|TRAINDREAM0809]]\n[[Take a pill|Connectiontopilldream]]\n<<fadeinsound $heartbeat>>
Without noticing, you arrive at your workplace.\n\n[[►|dwork12][set $dreampoints +=5]]\n\n\n<<fadeoutsound $suspense>>\n<<fadeoutsound $heartbeat>>\n<<fadeoutsound $crazytrain>>\n<<fadeoutsound $metalcrush>>\n\n<<set $office_dream to "office_dream.mp3">>\n<<set $workdream = "workdream.mp3">>\n\n<<fadeinsound $workdream>>\n<<fadeinsound $officedream>>\n<<fadeinsound $brownnoise>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou carefully dust off each item. You notice your phone. The inbox is empty as usual.\n\n[[►|SOCIALBADENDINGCLEAN02]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nOne after another, you neatly stow each item away.\n\n[[Carry on tidying up|SOCIALBADENDINGCLEAN03]]\n[[Open window|SOCIALBADENDINGWINDOW01]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nAll objects are carefully dusted off and placed beneath the window. \n\n[[Open window|SOCIALBADENDINGWINDOW01]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="partyraum.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Really? So why isn't it working yet? Is it her fault then? Ten-year-olds can be mean..."\n\n[[►|6_1_3]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="partyraum.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"What about your career? Are you still working for that mediocre company?"\n"Is there anything at all that you've achieved yet? Besides fucking up your relationships..." \n\n[[►|6_1_3_1]]\n\n<<set $heartbeatalarm to "heartbeatalarm.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $heartbeatalarm>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="partyraum.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Oh, that's nice. Try staying awake this time!"\n\n[["Sure."|6_1_3]]\n[["Sure."|6_1_3]]\n
The alarm goes off. You reach out with your hand.\nThe screen shows 07:07.\n\n[[Get up|getup]]\n[[Press snooze|1_4]]
The alarm goes off. You open your left eye and blink.\nThe screen shows 07:06.\n\n[[Get up|getup]]\n[[Press snooze|1_3]]\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>>
You press snooze and close your eyes.\n\n[[►|1_2]]\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="partyraum.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou reach with your hand for your face but there's just a little bump where your nose used to be.\n\n[[►|6_1_6]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="rote_augen_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nIts beady red eyes glint in the darkness. It's at that point that it frees itself from the girl's grasp, towers over you in his approach and swallows you whole.\n\n[[►|DREAMDAUGHTEREND][$dreampoints +=5, $daughterpoints +=5]]\n\n<<playsound $collapse>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="rote_augen_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"How long will you last?"\n\n[[►|DARKNESSRETURN02]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="berglandschaft_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou leave the strange creature behind and return to your previous location, guided by the lit mountain in the distance.\nYou bury each step into the soft ground and trudge onwards.\n\n[[►|MOUNTAIN02]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="berglandschaft_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou try and return to your previous location, guided by the lit mountain in the distance.\nYou bury each step into the soft ground and trudge onwards.\n\n[[►|MOUNTAIN02]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou head towards the smallest room in the apartment.\nYour bedroom.\n\n[[►|BEDROOM01]]
Dream Points Score: <<print $dreampoints>>\n<<set $day +=1>>\n<<if $day eq "5">>[[►|ENDINGLOUNGE]]\n\n<<else>>[[►|DAYSTART]]<<endif>><<silently>>\n\n<<fadeoutsound $traindream>>\n<<fadeoutsound $suspense>>\n<<fadeoutsound $brownnoise>>\n<<fadeoutsound $crazytrain>>\n<<fadeoutsound $metalcrush>><<endsilently>>\n\n\n
You open your eyes. The screen shows 10:05.\n\n[[►|THERAPYBADENDING01_1]]\n\n<<set $badending = "badending.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $badending>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="kueche.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou stir in the hot water.\n\n[[►|01040107]]
You get up.\n\n[[►|SOCIALBADENDING06]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="strasse_autos3_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nMay provoke side-effect: Hallucinations.\n\n[[◄|CARINFORMATIONPAPER0301]]\n\n<<playsound $examineitem>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="kueche_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nWith:\n\n<<if $workpoints gte 7>>[[Tea|GOODENDINGWORK]]\n[[Coffee|GOODENDINGWORK]]<<else>>[[Tea|GOODENDINGKITCHEN03]]\n[[Coffee|GOODENDINGKITCHEN03]]<<endif>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="strasse_autos1_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nMay provoke side-effect: Erosion.\n\n[[◄|CARWAKEUP15]]\n\n<<playsound $examineitem>>
Dream Points Score: <<print $dreampoints>>\n<<set $day +=1>>\n<<if $day gte 5>>[[►|ENDINGLOUNGE]]\n\n<<else>>[[►|DAYSTART]]<<endif>><<silently>>\n\n<<fadeoutsound $workdream>>\n<<fadeoutsound $train>>\n<<fadeoutsound $office_dream>>\n<<fadeoutsound $noisesuspense>>\n<<fadeoutsound $trainstation>>\n<<fadeoutsound $brownnoise>><<endsilently>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou pick up a pair of socks.\n\n[[Brown socks|THERAPYBADENDING08]]\n[[Black socks|THERAPYBADENDING08]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour feet touch the cool floor.\n\n[[►|THERAPYBADENDING07]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="zug_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou walk over towards the danger line. \nYou hear the sound of the incoming train.\n\n[[Drop down|BADENDINGGAME]]
(function () {\n "use strict";\n version.extensions['soundMacros'] = {\n major: 1,\n minor: 1,\n revision: 2\n };\n var p = macros['playsound'] = {\n soundtracks: {},\n handler: function (a, b, c, d) {\n var loop = function (m) {\n if (m.loop == undefined) {\n m.loopfn = function () {\n this.play();\n };\n m.addEventListener('ended', m.loopfn, 0);\n } else m.loop = true;\n m.play();\n };\n var s = eval(d.fullArgs());\n if (s) {\n s = s.toString();\n var m = this.soundtracks[s.slice(0, s.lastIndexOf("."))];\n if (m) {\n if (b == "playsound") {\n m.play();\n } else if (b == "loopsound") {\n loop(m);\n } else if (b == "pausesound") {\n m.pause();\n } else if (b == "unloopsound") {\n if (m.loop != undefined) {\n m.loop = false;\n } else if (m.loopfn) {\n m.removeEventListener('ended', m.loopfn);\n delete m.loopfn;\n }\n } else if (b == "stopsound") {\n m.pause();\n m.currentTime = 0;\n } else if (b == "fadeoutsound" || b == "fadeinsound") {\n if (m.interval) clearInterval(m.interval);\n if (b == "fadeinsound") {\n if (m.currentTime>0) return;\n m.volume = 0;\n loop(m);\n } else {\n if (!m.currentTime) return;\n m.play();\n }\n var v = m.volume;\n m.interval = setInterval(function () {\n v = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, v + 0.005 * (b == "fadeinsound" ? 1 : -1)));\n m.volume = Math.easeInOut(v);\n if (v == 0 || v == 1) clearInterval(m.interval);\n if (v == 0) {\n m.pause();\n m.currentTime = 0;\n m.volume = 1;\n }\n }, 10);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n macros['fadeinsound'] = p;\n macros['fadeoutsound'] = p;\n macros['unloopsound'] = p;\n macros['loopsound'] = p;\n macros['pausesound'] = p;\n macros['stopsound'] = p;\n macros['stopallsound'] = {\n handler: function () {\n var s = macros.playsound.soundtracks;\n for (var j in s) {\n\t\tif (s.hasOwnProperty(j)) {\n s[j].pause();\n if (s[j].currentTime) {\n\t\t s[j].currentTime = 0;\n\t\t }\n\t\t}\n }\n }\n }\n var div = document.getElementById("storeArea").firstChild;\n var fe = ["ogg", "mp3", "wav", "webm"];\n while (div) {\n var b = String.fromCharCode(92);\n var q = '"';\n var re = "['" + q + "]([^" + q + "']*?)" + b + ".(ogg|mp3|wav|webm)['" + q + "]";\n k(new RegExp(re, "gi"));\n div = div.nextSibling;\n }\n\n function k(c, e) {\n do {\n var d = c.exec(div.innerHTML);\n if (d) {\n var a = new Audio();\n if (a.canPlayType) {\n for (var i = -1; i < fe.length; i += 1) {\n if (i >= 0) d[2] = fe[i];\n if (a.canPlayType("audio/" + d[2])) break;\n }\n if (i < fe.length) {\n a.setAttribute("src", d[1] + "." + d[2]);\n a.interval = null;\n macros.playsound.soundtracks[d[1]] = a;\n } else console.log("Browser can't play '" + d[1] + "'");\n }\n }\n } while (d);\n }\n}());
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="ubahn_innen.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour wobbling you ends up watching the woman from afar tackle a game on her phone.\nYou already feel worn out as you reach your stop.\n\n[[►|01Work01]]\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="ubahn_innen.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nSomehow, you can't bring yourself to do it.\n\n[[►|01TRAVEL01POLE02]]\n
You press snooze and close your eyes.\n\n[[►|CARBADENDING03]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="ubahn_innen.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nA woman is leaning her body against the pole and so no one else can hold it.\n\n<<if $trainpoints gte 1>>[[Ask her to move away|01TRAVEL01POLE03_1]]<<else>>[[Ask her to move away|01TRAVEL01POLE03]]<<endif>>\n[[Ignore her|01TRAVEL01POLE02]]\n
The alarm goes off. You reach out with your hand.\n\nThe screen shows 10:07.\n\n[[Get up|CARBADENDING06]]\n[[Press snooze|CARBADENDING05]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n<<loopsound $alarm>>
The alarm goes off. \n\n[[►|CARBADENDING051]]\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n<<loopsound $alarm>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour feet touch the cool floor.\n\n[[►|CARBADENDING07]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou pick up a pair of socks.\n\n[[Brown socks|CARBADENDING08][$sockcolour = "brown"]]\n[[Black socks|CARBADENDING08][$sockcolour = "black"]]\n\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe socks fill up with the shape of your feet.\n\n[[Head into kitchen|CARBADENDING09]]\n[[Stay in bed|CARBADENDING09]]\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou hear car horns outside.\n\nYou remember that your oil-suckling family SUV is still parked out on the road.\n\n[[Look out the window|CARBADENDINGOPEN01]]\n[[Get your keys|CARBADENDINGCLEAN01]]
You get up.\n\n[[►|DAUGHTERBADENDING06]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n
You press snooze and close your eyes.\n\n[[►|THERAPYBADENDING03]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="buero_boss.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour boss is busy on the phone. He mutters a "thanks" without looking up from his desk after you leave the prints on his desk.\n\n<<if $workpoints gte 1>>[["You're welcome."|01AFTERNOON0702]]<<else>>[[Leave work|01GOHOME02]]<<endif>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schreibtisch.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n[[Press.|01AFTERNOON05]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schreibtisch.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n[[Print.|01AFTERNOON07]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schreibtisch.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nPress "B".\n\n[[A|01AFTERNOON02]]\n[[B|01AFTERNOON03]]\n[[C|01AFTERNOON02]]\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schreibtisch.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n[[Press.|01AFTERNOON04]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schreibtisch.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nPress "A".\n\n[[A|01AFTERNOON02]]\n[[B|01AFTERNOON01]]\n[[C|01AFTERNOON01]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="therapiezimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Doesn't surprise me," Bob shrugges his shoulders, "he's so busy with himself that he hardly notices his surroundings. \nAssumes us to be superficial and dumb when actually he's so self-absorbed he can't think of anything else but his own problems."\n\n[[►|confrontation_3]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="therapiezimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Adult problems... Of course, they are much more complicated and urgent than those of a child. \nYeah, I totally get that.. Sure, you love her, you just couldn't bother enough to care for her," \nhis beady read eyes pierce through you while his hind legs are preparing to go for your throat. \n\n[[Back away|confrontation_4]]\n[[Wait|confrontation_4][$dreampoints +=3, $therapypoints +=3]]\n\n<<set $heartbeatalarm to "heartbeatalarm.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $heartbeatalarm>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nA line of sunlight crosses the bedroom from the window. A brief sigh escapes from your mouth. The alarm clock is still ringing.\n\n[[Get up|01WAKEUP03]]\n[[Press snooze|010201]]\n\n<<playsound $sigh>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="therapiezimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe door opens and Bob enters the room, followed by an oversized stuffed rabbit. \n"So here we meet again. Haven't seen much of you lately," the rabbit mumbles hostilely.\n\n[[►|confrontation_2]]\n\n<<set $door_opening_hall to "door_opening_hall.mp3">>\n<<playsound $door_opening_hall>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="therapiezimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Gentlemen, please! Don't you see he's already suffering sufficiently? \nDon't Worry, his self-pity and self-hatred will soon do the rest.\nLet's go and leave him alone with his thoughts." The three of them leave the room.\n\n[[►|pressure_1]]\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou wonder how is your daughter doing.\nEvery father deserves to know that, right?\n\n[[Open up box under bed|DAUGHTERBADENDINGCLEAN01]]\n[[Cry|DAUGHTERBADENDINGCRY]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n\nThe socks fill up with the shape of your feet.\n\n[[Head into kitchen|DAUGHTERBADENDING09]]\n[[Stay in bed|DAUGHTERBADENDING09]]\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n\nYou pick up a pair of socks.\n\n[[Brown socks|DAUGHTERBADENDING08]]\n[[Black socks|DAUGHTERBADENDING08]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour feet touch the cool floor.\n\n[[►|DAUGHTERBADENDING07]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>
The alarm goes off. \n\n[[►|WIFEBADENDING0511]]\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n<<loopsound $alarm>>
The alarm goes off. You reach out with your hand.\nThe screen shows 10:07.\n\n[[Get up|DAUGHTERBADENDING06]]\n[[Press snooze|DAUGHTERBADENDING05]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n<<loopsound $alarm>>
The alarm goes off. You open your left eye and blink.\nThe screen shows 10:06.\n\n[[Get up|DAUGHTERBADENDING06]]\n[[Press snooze|DAUGHTERBADENDING04]]\n\n<<loopsound $alarm>>
You press snooze and close your eyes.\n\n[[►|DAUGHTERBADENDING03]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="pausen_raum.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nBob follows up with a recounting of his latest dreams, sparing you no detail.\n\n[[►|01LUNCH01]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe socks fill up with the shape of your feet. Your clothes follow, pressing slightly on the fat of your waist.\n\n[[►|SOCIALBADENDING09]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="flur.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou finally get home. \n<<if $day gte 1>>There's still a pile of mail on the table<<else>>You have a pile of mail on the table.<<endif>>\n\n[[Pick up mail|01HOME02]]\n[[Ignore mail|headbedroom]]\n<<fadeoutsound $traininside>>\n<<playsound $sigh>>\n<<playsound $door_opening>>\n\n
Dream Points Score: <<print $dreampoints>>\n<<set $day +=1>>\n<<if $day eq "5">>[[►|ENDINGLOUNGE]]\n\n<<else>>[[►|DAYSTART]]<<endif>><<silently>>\n\n<<fadeoutsound $parentsdream>>\n<<fadeoutsound $suspense>>\n<<fadeoutsound $brownnoise>>\n<<fadeoutsound $whispering>><<endsilently>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou pick up a pair of socks.\n\n[[Brown socks|SOCIALBADENDING08]]\n[[Black socks|SOCIALBADENDING08]]
The alarm goes off. You reach out with your hand.\nThe screen shows 10:07.\n\n[[Get up|SOCIALBADENDING06]]\n[[Press snooze|SOCIALBADENDING05]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n<<loopsound $alarm>>
The alarm goes off. \n\n[[►|SOCIALBADENDING051]]\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n<<loopsound $alarm>>
You press snooze and close your eyes.\n\n[[►|SOCIALBADENDING03]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="wohnzimmer.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour attention is drawn towards the wedding invitation that has laid on your table for some time now. \n"Mary and Jack cordially invite you..."\n\n<<if $RSVP eq "yes">>[[Examine RSVP card|01HOME03_1]]<<else if $RSVP eq "no">>[[Examine RSVP card|01HOME03_1]]<<else if $wifepoints gte 1>>[[Reply to RSVP card|01HOME03_1]]<<else>>[[Reply to RSVP card|01HOME03]]<<endif>>\n<<playsound $examineitem>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="riesen_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nIndeed, as sudden growths go, so is the lay of the land as she turns in her sleep. The fluffy ground and yourself are crushed under her back back in the process.\n\n[[►|DREAMDAUGHTEREND][$dreampoints +=5, $daughterpoints +=5]]\n\n<<playsound $collapse>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nA line of sunlight crosses the bedroom from the window. A brief sigh escapes from your mouth. The alarm clock is still ringing.\n\n[[Get up|SOCIALBADENDING06]]\n[[Press snooze|SOCIALBADENDING02]]
You get up. \n\n[[►|getup]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="zug_innen_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nLooking out the window, you find yourself before the breathtaking scenery of gray city. \nAnd the large emptiness of sky between the train and the city as it moves ever higher up the track.\n\n[[►|TRAINDREAM0804]]\n\n<<fadeinsound $noisesuspense>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="wohnzimmer.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nWhile looking at the invitation, you feel suddenly even more deflated. You leave it on the table and promise yourself to take care of it tomorrow.\n\n[[►|headbedroom]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="kueche_kopfueber_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Do you want some sausage and eggs?"\n\n[["Yes."|W10]]\n[["Yes."|W10]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_parentsdream_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou use your strenght against the door to break it. Surprisingly, it falls down easily along with you until you realise on the fluffy impact that you're back on your bed.\nA bowl of steamy hot soup awaits you on a tray.\n\n[[Eat soup|PARENTSENDING03]]\n[[Refuse soup|PARENTSENDING01]]\n\n<<playsound $fallbed>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="zug_achterbahn_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe train ascends again, stops. \nIt dives again. Forever in loops after loops.\n\n[[►|TRAINDREAM0808]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="zug_achterbahn_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe train ascends again, stops. \nIt dives again. Forever in loops after loops.\n\n[[►|TRAINDREAM0807]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="flur_kopfueber_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou cross over the newly formed step between your room and the corridor. The walls, the ground(s) have been decorated with girlish polka patterns. \nAt least with the floor above you, you can no longer slip on the edge of all those rugs that you hate.\n\n[[►|W06]]\n\n<<fadeinsound $noisesuspense>>
You fall flat on your bed.\n\n<<if $chosendream is "daughter">>[[Sleep.|DREAMDAUGHTER00]]\n\n<<else if $chosendream is "wife">>[[Sleep.|DREAMWIFE00]]\n\n<<else if $chosendream is "parents">>[[Sleep.|DREAMPARENTS00]]\n\n<<else if $chosendream is "social">>[[Sleep.|DREAMSOCIAL00]]\n\n<<else if $chosendream is "therapy">>[[Sleep.|DREAMTHERAPY00]]\n\n<<else if $chosendream is "work">>[[Sleep.|DREAMWORK00]]\n\n<<else if $chosendream is "car">>[[Sleep.|DREAMCAR00]]\n\n<<else if $chosendream is "train">>[[Sleep.|DREAMTRAIN00]]\n\n<<else if $chosendream is "space">>[[Sleep.|DREAMSPACE00]]\n\n<<else>>[[Sleep.|either("DREAMDAUGHTER00","DREAMWIFE00","DREAMPARENTS00","DREAMSOCIAL00","DREAMTHERAPY00","DREAMWORK00","DREAMCAR00","DREAMTRAIN00","DREAMSPACE00")]]<<endif>>\n\n<<playsound $fallbed>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="kueche_kopfueber_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nIn the kitchen, your ex-wife is cooking up something. It smells of sausage and eggs, your favourite. \nYour issue with gravity doesn't seem to affect her as she turns to look at you and says "Hi, honey."\n\n[["Morning, darling."|W08]]\n[["Morning, darling."|W08]]\n\n<<fadeinsound $eggs>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="Weltall.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nSchool album photos. One with your first love. \nIt was awkward and messy and lasted a whole of a week.\n\n[[►|SPACEDREAM0706]]\n\n<<playsound $umbilicalcord>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_kopfueber_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nIt would seem that either gravity or you has woken up on the wrong side of the bed. \nBut the only thing you've taken upwards with yourself is your snuggly blanket. \n\n[[Simply lie on the ceiling|W03]]\n[[Head into the other room|W04]]\n<<fadeinsound $wifedream>>\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_kopfueber_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nOn a second look, it isn't your blanket that you're cuddling.\nIt's the piles of clothes scattered around.\n\n[[Study clothes|Wclothes01][$dreampoints +=5, $wifepoints +=5]]\n[[Look at laundry basket|Wlaundry basket 01]]\n[[Stop looking at your bedroom|W04]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="partyraum.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Good morning, sir, would you please join one of the groups and get yourself some social acceptance?"\nHe offers you a slice of toast pointing with his hand towards the crowds standing in the kitchen. \n\n[[Take toast|4][$dreampoints +=3, $socialpoints +=3]]\n[[Decline toast|4]]\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="therapiezimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nShe hands you a box filled with little green pills, "Take one box of these."\n\n[[Take pills|killing_pills_1]]\n[[Read package insert|prescription]]
As the train takes a harder dive down, all the poles dislogde themselves from their sockets. \nThe passengers are left to gravity's mercy, hitting ground and ceilling as the train goes through the steepest of loops. \nAfter being thrown around, your own brain splatters like a melon under everybody's weight.\n\n[[►|TRAINDREAMEND][$dreampoints +=5, $trainpoints +=5]]\n<<playsound $collapse_hall>>\n<<playsound $metalcrush>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="kueche_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nAfter dressing properly, you grab your box filled with little green pills and step into the kitchen.\n\n[[Pour yourself some cereal|THERAPYBADENDINGCLEAN01]]\n[[Prepare a slide of toast|THERAPYBADENDINGOPEN01]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe socks fill up with the shape of your feet. Your clothes follow, pressing slightly on the fat of your waist.\n\n[[►|THERAPYBADENDING09]]\n\n
You open your eyes. The screen shows 10:05.\n\n[[►|SOCIALBADENDING01]]\n\n<<set $badending = "badending.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $badending>>
"Mind your life."\n\n[[◄|TRAINDREAM0602][$dreampoints +=5, $trainpoints +=5]]
The alarm goes off. \n\n[[►|THERAPYBADENDING051]]\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n<<loopsound $alarm>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="kueche.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nCoffee.\n\n[[►|01LEAVE01]]
The alarm goes off. You open your left eye and blink.\nThe screen shows 10:06.\n\n[[Get up|THERAPYBADENDING06]]\n[[Press snooze|THERAPYBADENDING04]]\n\n<<loopsound $alarm>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="kueche.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nLooking functional, you step into the kitchen.\n\n[[Prepare a slide of toast|01KITCHEN01TOAST01]]\n[[Pour yourself some milk and cereal|01KITCHEN01MILK01]]\n\n<<fadeinsound $kitchen>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="Weltall.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour umbilical cord begins to dangerously stretch past its limits.\n\n[[►|SPACEDREAM0703]]\n\n<<fadeinsound $noisesuspense>>\n<<playsound $umbilicalcord>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou let in some fresh air and climb onto the ledge. A soft breeze blows in your face. You close the window behind you.\n\n[[Take a step|BADENDINGGAME]]\n\n<<set $window_open to "window_open.mp3">>\n<<playsound $window_open>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="dachterrasse_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"...By signing this agreement you fully understand that suicide affects your physical condition and can cause severe relationship problems... contract can not be cancelled once signed..."\n\n<<if $roofdeath eq "yes">>[[Sign|roof_2]]<<else>>[[Sign|roof_2]]\n[[Turn around|turn_new][$dreampoints +=2, $workpoints +=2]]<<endif>>\n<<set $paper to "paper.mp3">>\n<<playsound $paper>>
So you got into business school. Management.\nBut everything is still delegated to you even today.\n\n[[►|SPACEDREAM0709]]\n<<playsound $umbilicalcord>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="Weltall.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nOld albums, back from when you were a naive and impressionable youth.\nYour umbilical cord tugs at you slightly before giving in some more.\n\n[[Keep falling|SPACEDREAM0705]]\n<<fadeinsound $heartbeatalarm>>\n<<playsound $umbilicalcord>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schreibtisch_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n[[Press.|work_1_6]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="Weltall.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nAs your umbilical cord breaks away from your space suit, the ejected air boosts your speed. \nYou head towards the blue globe faster than ever, feeling yourself fall into the mesosphere, stratosphere, troposphere and become ashes.\n\n[[►|SPACEDREAMEND][[$dreampoints +=5, $spacepoints +=5]]\n\n<<playsound $collapse_hall>>
Marriage and family were effective distractions.\nEarth's blue blinds you from ahead. The fall is so high.\n\n[[Keep falling into Earth|SPACEDREAM0708]]\n[[Hold onto and follow the umbilical cord instead|SPACEDREAM0801]]\n\n<<playsound $umbilicalcord>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schreibtisch_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour computer catches your attention.\n\n[[Work|work2_2]]\n[[Look around|poster][$dreampoints +=3, $workpoints +=3]]\n[[Leave work|home][$dreampoints +=3, $workpoints +=3]]\n\n<<set $heartbeatalarm to "heartbeatalarm.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $heartbeatalarm>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schreibtisch_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nPress "B".\n\n[[A|error]]\n[[B|work2_4]]\n[[C|error]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="riesen_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThough barely over eight years old, it would seem little girls are suddenly the size of mountains in this world.The second giant is the worn-out stuffed rabbit she holds in her sleep.\n\n[[Study the girl|MOUNTAINGIRL01]]\n[[Study the rabbit|MOUNTAINRABBIT01]]\n[[Walk away|MOUNTAINAWAY01]]\n\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schreibtisch_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nPress "C".\n\n[[A|error]]\n[[B|error]]\n[[C|work2_2]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="berglandschaft_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nMr. Porter replies indiscernibly.\n\n[[►|MOUNTAIN04]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="berglandschaft_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe elderly man besides you grumbles something under his breath.\n\n[["Mr. Porter? What are you doing here?"|MOUNTAIN03]]\n\n<<fadeinsound $noisesuspense>>\n<<fadeoutsound $noisesuspensehigh>>\n<<fadeinsound $whispering>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="berglandschaft_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou bury each step into the soft ground and trudge onwards towards the mountain.\n\n[[►|MOUNTAIN02]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="riesen_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nTheir voices and shapes are lost behind you as the rumbling scenery ahead expands and contracts to the wind's will.\nYou discern through the faint darkness the faces of two giants. \n\n[[►|MOUNTAIN08]]\n\n<<fadeinsound $sleepinggiant>>\n<<fadeinsound $heartbeat>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="berglandschaft_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThey both continue addressing eachother with seemingly no intention to talk to you properly.\n\n[[Try to draw Mrs. Martin's attention|MOUNTAINMARTIN01][$dreampoints +=5, $daughterpoints +=5]]\n[[Try to draw Mr. Porter's attention|MOUNTAINPORTER01][$dreampoints +=5, $daughterpoints +=5]]\n[[Ignore them and move on|MOUNTAIN07]]\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="berglandschaft_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"See, Mr. Porter? He can hear me just fine. I will concede though, Mr. Porter, that indeed young men these days are always with their heads in the clouds, always thinking so impossibly far ahead."\nMr. Porter grumbles something under his breath again.\n"Yes, I know. Foolish, isn't it?"\n\n[[►|MOUNTAIN06]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="berglandschaft_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"I don't think Mr. Doe can hear you, Mr. Porter."\nYou turn to see Mrs. Martin walking side by side with you and Mr. Porter.\n\n[["Mrs. Martin?"|MOUNTAIN05]]\n\n<<fadeinsound $whispering>>
You press snooze and close your eyes.\n\n[[►|TRAINBADENDING03]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>
The alarm goes off. You open your left eye and blink.\n\nThe screen shows 10:06.\n\n[[Get up|TRAINBADENDING06]]\n[[Press snooze|TRAINBADENDING04]]\n\n<<loopsound $alarm>>
You could delay the inevitable. \nWith what?\n\n[[Visit family|TRAINBADENDINGFAMILY]]\n[[Visit friends|TRAINBADENDINGFRIENDS]]
Warning: Suicide affects your physical condition and can cause severe relationship problems.\n\n[[Take pills|killing_pills_1]]\n[[Don't take pills|killing_pills_5]]\n\n<<set $paper to "paper.mp3">>\n<<playsound $paper>>\n<<set $dreampoints +=3>><<set $therapypoints +=3>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou pick up a pair of socks.\n\n[[Brown socks|TRAINBADENDING08]]\n[[Black socks|TRAINBADENDING08]]
The alarm goes off. You reach out with your hand.\n\nThe screen shows 10:07.\n\n[[Get up|TRAINBADENDING06]]\n[[Press snooze|TRAINBADENDING05]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n<<loopsound $alarm>>
The alarm goes off. \n\n[[►|TRAINBADENDING051]]\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n<<loopsound $alarm>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe socks fill up with the shape of your feet.\n\n[[Go out|TRAINBADENDING09]]\n[[Stay in bed|TRAINBADENDING0902]]\n
You leave your apartment.\n\n[[Visit family|TRAINBADENDINGFAMILY]]\n[[Visit friends|TRAINBADENDINGFRIENDS]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schreibtisch_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nPress "A".\n\n[[A|work2_3]]\n[[B|error]]\n[[C|error]]\n\n<<set $heartbeatalarm to "heartbeatalarm.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $heartbeatalarm>>\n\n
Your heart beats faster and faster until you are no longer able to keep yourself sitting upright on your bed.\n\n[[Fall back|BADENDINGGAME]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="lift_2.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nOn your way down, you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket.<<if $wifepoints gte 7>>\nTwice in a day? That's a pretty rare occurrence.<<endif>>\n\n[[Look at phone|GOODENDINGSOCIAL]]\n<<set $phone_vibrating_once to "phone_vibrating_once.mp3">>\n<<playsound $phone_vibrating_once>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="ubahn_innen.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe train ride home followed through, heavy-scented with the passengers' sweat and exhaustion from a day's work.\n\n[[Go home|01HOME01]]\n<<if $askedwoman is 1>>[[Look around|01GOHOME0202]]<<else>> <<endif>>\n\n<<fadeoutsound $office>>\n<<set $train to "train.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $traininside>>
You get up.\n\n[[►|SPACEBADENDING06]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="partyraum.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nA dozen of people are talking to you, their eyes wide opened, their smiles getting wider and wider. \n<<set $socialloop to 1>>\n[[Keep answering|6_2]]\n[[Take a niblet to keep your mouth busy|6_2_5]]
As you chose not to take a pill, your shaking hands drop it on the floor of your car. \nThe unexpected hole it leaves behind through the car's floor grows. \nYou try to escape the fall but there is only the way down into darkness.\n\n[[►|CARDREAMEND][$dreampoints +=5, $carpoints +=5]]\n\n<<playsound $collapse>>\n
You get up.\n\n<<if $therapypoints gte 5>>[[►|GOODENDINGTHERAPY]]\n<<else>>[[►|GOODENDING06]]<<endif>>\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="lift_2.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nIt descends slowly floor after floor.\n\n[[►|GOODENDINGLEAVE04]]
The alarm clock goes off. You open your eyes. The screen shows 07:05.\n\n[[►|DREAMTRAIN02]]<<silently>>\n\n<<stopallsound>>\n<<set $alarm_hall = "alarm_hall.mp3">>\n<<set $traindream = "traindream.mp3">>\n<<set $brownnoise = "brownnoise.mp3">>\n<<set $noisesuspense = "noisesuspense.mp3">>\n<<set $heartbeat = "heartbeatalarm.mp3">>\n<<set $seatbelt = "seatbelt.mp3">>\n<<set $crazytrain = "crazytrain.mp3">>\n<<set $breathinghelm = "breathinghelm.mp3">>\n<<set $metalcrush = "metalcrush.mp3">>\n<<set $collapse_hall = "collapse_hall.mp3">>\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>><<endsilently>>\n
A message from Bob. \nHe'd like to go out for drinks sometime. \n\n[[►|GOODENDINGLEAVE04]]
You press snooze and close your eyes.\n\n[[►|PARENTSBADENDING03]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="lift_2.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Fine, Mr. Doe, thank you."\nThe doors of the lift open and you get off. \n<<set $dreampoints +=5>>\n[[►|01TRAVEL01]]\n<<set $parentscounter +=5>>\n\n<<playsound $newaction>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nA line of sunlight crosses the bedroom from the window. A brief sigh escapes from your mouth. The alarm clock is still ringing.\n\n[[Get up|TRAINDREAM04]]\n[[Press snooze|TRAINDREAM03]]\n\n<<fadeinsound $brownnoise>>\n\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="zug_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou arrive at the train station.\n\n[[Head towards the platform|TRAINBADENDINGCLEAN02]]
You look around, strangely unintimidated by the hustle and bustle for the first time.\n\n[[Single out personal belongings|TRAINBADENDINGCLEAN03]]\n[[Walk|TRAINBADENDINGWINDOW01]]
You neatly fold your jacket and remove your shoes, leaving them behind by I.D and suitcase on the floor.\n\n[[Walk|TRAINBADENDINGWINDOW01]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="strasse_autos_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nFeeling as if under the scrutiny of all other drivers, you carefully make sure your own phone is set to silence.\nThe car behind you horns impatiently.\n\n[[►|CARWAKEUP08]]\n<<playsound $carhorn>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="strasse_autos_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nFeeling as if under the scrutiny of all other drivers, you carefully make sure not to make hasty turns.\nThe car behind you horns impatiently.\n\n[[►|CARWAKEUP08]]\n<<playsound $carhorn>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="strasse_autos_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nFeeling as if under the scrutiny of all other drivers, you carefully make sure cross when the light turns green.\nThe car behind you suddenly horns impatiently.\n\n[[►|CARWAKEUP08]]\n\n<<playsound $carhorn>>
You open your eyes. The screen shows 10:05.\n\n[[►|SPACEBADENDING01_1]]\n\n<<set $badending = "badending.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $badending>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="zug_tueren_zu_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe glass doors close behind you.\n\n[[Look for a place to sit|TRAINDREAM08]]\n[[Hold onto a pole|TRAINDREAM07]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="cafeteria.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou allow yourself a boisterous laugh, fueling the good atmosphere. \nSandra throws you a playful wink.\n\n[[►|01AFTERNOON]]\n\n<<playsound $newaction>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour feet touch the cool floor.\n\n[[►|TRAINBADENDING07]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="lift_2.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe doors of the lift open and you get off. \n\n[[►|GOODENDINGLEAVE04]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_parentsdream_dunkler_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou head towards the nearest door but the only thing you see upon closer inspection are garbled lines and odd shapes.\n\n[[►|PARENTS04]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_parentsdream_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Why ever would Mr. Doe be taking his gown off now?", Mrs. Martin wonders out loud.\n\n[[►|PARENTS04]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_parentsdream_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"He must think this is the bathroom, to be doing that to himself", Mrs. Martin says, "My goodness, I feel so embarassed for him."\n\n[[►|PARENTS04]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="Weltall.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nA hitchhiking guide, useless out here in space.\n"Hang in there", it says.\n\n[[◄|SPACEDREAM0602][$dreampoints +=5, $spacepoints +=5]]
The alarm goes off.\n\n[[Press snooze|WIFEWAKEUP08]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>>
You get up.\n\n[[►|W02]]\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>\n
[[Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error.|error_2]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="zug_achterbahn_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou begin to lose your grasp on the wall.\n\n[[Hold onto the wall harder|TRAINDREAM0708]]\n[[Try to grab a pole|TRAINDREAMPOLE]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="therapiezimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nAs you raise your gaze, you notice that a huge leather couch has taken up the spot where your bed used to stand. \n\n[[►|waiting_1]]\n\n<<set $therapydream = "therapydream.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $therapydream>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="partyraum.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Hey Peter, how's therapy going? Does your daugther like you yet?" \n\n[["I'm going to watch her school play next week."|6_1_1][$dreampoints +=5, $socialpoints +=5]]\n[["I'm trying as hard as I can."|6_1_2]]\n\n<<set $noisesuspense to "noisesuspense.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $noisesuspense>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe socks fill up with the shape of your feet. Your clothes follow, pressing slightly on the fat of your waist.\n\n[[►|01KITCHEN01]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="Weltall.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour personal belongings are floating away, beyond your reach.\nThe gravity of Earth pulls at them but the planet itself is too quick. \nThey will never reach it as it orbits around the Sun.\n\n[[►|SPACEDREAM05]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="Weltall.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour personal belongings are floating away, beyond your reach.\nThe gravity of Earth pulls at them but the planet itself is too quick. \nThey will never reach it as it orbits around the Sun.\n\n[[►|SPACEDREAM05]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nA line of sunlight crosses the bedroom from the window. A brief sigh escapes from your mouth. The alarm clock is still ringing.\n\n[[Get up|therapy10]]\n[[Press snooze|therapy_3]]
Dream Points Score: <<print $dreampoints>>\n<<set $day +=1>>\n<<if $day eq "5">>[[►|ENDINGLOUNGE]]\n\n<<else>>[[►|DAYSTART]]<<endif>><<silently>>\n\n<<fadeoutsound $daughterdream>>\n<<fadeoutsound $noisesuspense>>\n<<fadeoutsound $whispering>><<endsilently>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="Weltall.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe stars all around look as if tiny polka dots on a wall. \nEarth drifts behind you. Your umbilical cord keeps you from falling forever.\n\n[[Follow the umbilical cord|SPACEDREAM08]]\n[[Look at objects scattered about|SPACEOBJECTS][$dreampoints +=5, $spacepoints +=5]]\n[[Head back to Earth|SPACEDREAM07]]\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="ubahn_abfahrt.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe glass doors close behind you and the train departs in shakes.\n\n[[Hold onto a train pole|GOODENDINGLEAVE09]]\n[[Head towards an empty spot|GOODENDINGLEAVE09]]\n\n\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="ubahn_innen.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou have no trouble finding yourself a place to relax.\nThe train announcement sounds over the crowd's noise.\n\n[[►|GOODENDINGLEAVE10]]\n\n<<fadeoutsound $trainstation>>\n<<fadeinsound $traininside>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="ubahn_einfahrt.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe usual weekday hustle and bustle is barely any different on the weekend.\nYou make your way to the station below.\n\n<<if $spacepoints gte 7>>[[Open up travel brochure|GOODENDINGSPACE]]<<else>>[[►|GOODENDINGLEAVE07]]<<endif>>\n\n<<fadeoutsound $outside>>\n<<fadeinsound $trainstation>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="ubahn_tuere_oeffnen.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe train door shudders open.\n\n[[Step inside|GOODENDINGLEAVE08]]\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="strasse_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nOutside your apartment building, the morning sun shimmers behind city smog.\n\n<<if $carpoints gte 7>>[[►|GOODENDINGCAR]]<<else>>[[Take out train pass|GOODENDINGLEAVE05]]<<endif>>\n\n<<fadeoutsound $lift>>\n<<fadeoutsound $stairs>>\n<<fadeinsound $outside>>
You head towards the train station.\n\n[[►|GOODENDINGLEAVE06]]\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="treppenhaus_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou lock the door and step out into the stairwell.\n\n[[Take stairs|GOODENDINGSTAIRS]]\n[[Take lift|GOODENDINGLIFT]]\n\n<<playsound $door_opening>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="ubahn_abfahrt.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe glass doors close behind you and the train departs in shakes. Without support, you dangerously wobble like a hawaiian doll.\n\n[[Hold onto the train's pole|01TRAVEL01POLE01]]\n[[Head towards an empty spot|01TRAVEL01SPOT01]]\n\n<<fadeoutsound $trainstation>>\n<<fadeinsound $traininside>>\n
You look around yourself at your old family SUV. \nPointless now without a family to drive around anymore.\n\n[[Start engine|CARWAKEUP06]]\n\n<<fadeinsound $cardream>>\n
As the company doesn't have any use for flawy employees, you're being disposed of into the shredder along with your documents.\n\n[[►|death_work]]\n\n<<set $shredder to "shredder.mp3">>\n<<playsound $shredder>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="buero_boss.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"What was that? Oh right. Thanks, Peter."\n\n[[►|01GOHOME02]]\n<<playsound $newaction>>\n<<set $dreampoints +=5>>\n<<set $workcounter +=5>>\n
¼ß. ¥«¢ ߥ{ *§.\n\n[[►|PARENTSWAKEUP03]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>
T*§ alarm ¥«¢s o¼ß.\n\n[[►|PARENTSWAKEUP0207][$dreampoints +=5, $parentspoints +=5]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>>
The »larm goes off. £ou rea¢h out +ith your §*nd.\n¿he scr¥en shows 0§:0¿.\n\n[[Get up|PARENTSWAKEUP03]]\n[[Press snooze|PARENTSWAKEUP0205]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>>
The alarm goes off. You r{ach out with your han¥.\nThe screen shows 07:¼£.\n\n[[Get up|PARENTSWAKEUP03]]\n[[Press snooze|PARENTSWAKEUP0204]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>>
The alarm goes off. You open your left eye and blink.\nThe screen shows 0ß:?6.\n\n[[Get up|PARENTSWAKEUP03]]\n[[Press snooze|PARENTSWAKEUP0203]]\n\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="kueche_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou step into the kitchen.\n\n[[Prepare a slide of toast|GOODENDINGKITCHEN02]]\n[[Pour yourself some milk and cereal|GOODENDINGKITCHEN02]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="treppenhaus_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n<<if $parentspoints gte 7>>On your way out, you grab your coat and keys. You notice the calendar hanging on the wall.\n\n[[Look at calendar|GOODENDINGPARENTS]]<<else>>On your way out, you grab your briefcase and keys, lock the door and step out into the stairwell.\n\n[[Take the stairs|GOODENDINGSTAIRS]]\n[[Take the lift|GOODENDINGLIFT]]<<endif>>\n\n<<playsound $door_opening>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nA line of sunlight crosses the bedroom from the window. A brief sigh escapes from your mouth. The alarm clock is still ringing.\n\n[[Get up|CARBADENDING06]]\n[[Press snooze|CARBADENDING02]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="treppenhaus_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou descend down the stairwell, taking two steps at once.\n<<if $socialpoints gte 10>>Your phone vibrates.[[Look at phone|GOODENDINGSOCIALSTAIRS1]]<<else>>\n[[►|GOODENDINGLEAVE04]]<<endif>>\n\n<<fadeinsound $stairs>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="berglandschaft_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe sky is a starless pitch black. You see no moon to account for the faint light.\n\n[[◄|DREAMDAUGHTER03][$dreampoints +=5, $daughterpoints +=5]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe antique nightstand next to your bed looks messy as usual.<<if $day gte 2>>\nSeveral objects have accumulated on your windows ledge.<<endif>><<if $day gte 3>>\nAn old dusty box lies under your bed.<<endif>>\n\n[[Look at nightstand|NIGHTSTANDEXAMINE01]]<<if $day gte 2>>\n[[Look at window's ledge|WINDOWEXAMINE01]]<<endif>><<if $day gte 3>>\n[[Look at box under your bed|BOXEXAMINE01]]<<endif>>\n[[Go to bed|01HOME04]]\n\n\n<<set $chosendream to "none">>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="therapiezimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Do you feel like you're responsible for not being loved by your family?"\n\n[["Yes."|question_2][$dreampoints += 1, $therapypoints +=1]]\n[["No."|question_2]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe socks fill up with the shape of your feet. Your clothes follow, pressing slightly on the fat of your waist.\n\n[[►|TRAINDREAM05]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="arbeitsplatz.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou head towards your desk and take a hard look at the lifeless computer awaiting your input.\n\n[[Begin working|01COMPUTER01]]\n[[Take a breather|01BREAK01]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="partyraum.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"...oh yes, I've never been better. What about you?..." - "...weather has been pretty good..." - "...we should definitely catch up some day..." \nA couple of waiters hurry past you, pushing you out of their way. \n\n[[►|5]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="pausenraum_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Alright. Bye Peter, all the best!" Bob waves at you, heading for the queue.\n\n[["Bye Bob."|work2_1]]\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe socks fill up with the shape of your feet. Your clothes follow, pressing slightly on the fat of your waist.\n\n[[►|TRAINDREAM05]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="kueche.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nWith:\n\n[[Tea|01KITCHEN01TEA01]]\n[[Coffee|01KITCHEN01COFFEE01]]
You get up.\n\n[[►|CARBADENDING06]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="ubahn_innen.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe woman moves and with your hand on the pole, morning traffic is much more bearable. You cling firmly to it until you reach your stop.\n<<set $dreampoints +=5>>\n[[►|01Work01]]\n<<set $traincounter +=5>>\n<<set $askedwoman = 1>>\n<<playsound $newaction>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="wohnzimmer.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou feel suddenly even more deflated. You decide to take a break first and promise yourself to take care of it tomorrow.\n\n[[►|headbedroom]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="therapiezimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"How to not kill yourself - help for self-help"\n\n[[Open magazine|magazine_1]]\n[[◄|waiting_101]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="therapiezimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou let yourself sink onto the couch. \n\n[[Wait|waiting_2]]\n[[Look at magazines|waiting_102]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou don't particularly know much about your therapist.\n\n[[Go to bed|01HOME04]]\n\n<<playsound $examineitem>>\n<<set $chosendream to "therapy">>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Psychotherapy and psychoanalysis."<<if $therapypoints gte 10>>You still haven't looked into what they mean.<<endif>>\nBig words. \n\n[[Study the card|EXAMINECARD02]]\n[[Look back at box|BOXEXAMINE01]] \n\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_parentsdream_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nMr. Porter draws a syringe from his lab coat, poking your neck with it. As the ominous agent begins to run through your veins, you feel the white room becoming darker and darker all around you.\n"Yes, I too hope he'll enjoy his vacation here, Mr. Porter."\n\n[[►|PARENTSDREAMEND][$dreampoints +=5, $parentspoints +=5]]\n\n<<playsound $collapse>>
The alarm clock goes off. You open your eyes. The screen shows 07:05.\n\n[[►|dwork2]]\n\n<<set $alarm_hall = "alarm_hall.mp3">>\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_parentsdream_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nAs you lean over to take in a spoonful of soup, you feel your weak neck give out. Your face falls flat on the bowl and you drown slowly and effectively under the caring gaze of your caretakers.\n\n[[►|PARENTSDREAMEND][$dreampoints +=5, $parentspoints +=5]]\n\n<<playsound $slurp>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_parentsdream_dunkler_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n?You?????§+¥but()?}{»«¼½???????¥£¢¿ß????()?}{»¢??trying¼ß??????¿¥so¥???)????}?}¼ß???????????????ߣ????§+¥but()?}{»«¼½???????¥£¢¿ß????()?}{»¢??trying¼ß??????¿¥so¥???)????}?}¼ß???????????????ߣ\n????§+¥but()?}{»«¼½???????¥£¢¿ß????()?}{»¢??trying¼ß??????¿¥so¥???)????}?}¼ß???????????????ߣ????§+¥but()?}{»«¼½???????¥£¢¿ß????()?}{»¢??trying¼ß??????¿¥so¥???)????}?}¼ß???????????????ߣ.\n\n[[►|PARENTSDREAMEND][$dreampoints +=5, $parentspoints +=5]]\n<<playsound $collapse>>
You step closer to the box, opening it.\nYou find nothing inside.\n\n[[Look around for the lost contents|SPACEDREAM0807]]\n[[Step away from the box|SPACEDREAMNOBOX]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="berglandschaft_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe ground and hills rumble whenever far winds pick up and drop.\n\n[[Look at the sky|DETAILSKY01]]\n[[Look at the ground|DETAILGROUND01]]\n\n<<set $sleepinggiant = "sleepinggiant.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $sleepinggiant>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="kueche_kopfueber_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"It wasn't me who put in a polar gravity clause, Peter."\n\n[["Well, gravity doesn't just change on its own!"|W20]]\n[["What do you want me to do?"|W21]]\n[["I can't do this anymore."|W22]]
You press snooze and close your eyes.\n\n[[►|WIFEBADENDING03]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>
The alarm goes off. You open your left eye and blink.\n\nThe screen shows 10:06.\n\n[[Get up|WIFEBADENDING06]]\n[[Press snooze|WIFEBADENDING04]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n<<loopsound $alarm>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour feet touch the cool floor.\n\n[[►|WIFEBADENDING07]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou pick up a pair of socks.\n\n[[Brown socks|WIFEBADENDING08]]\n[[Black socks|WIFEBADENDING08]]
The alarm goes off. You reach out with your hand.\nThe screen shows 10:07.\n\n[[Get up|WIFEBADENDING06]]\n[[Press snooze|WIFEBADENDING05]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n<<loopsound $alarm>>
The alarm goes off. \n\n[[►|WIFEBADENDING051]]\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n<<loopsound $alarm>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou reach out with your hand, knocking over your pill box. The little green pellets drop down the floor.\nNevermind, you wanted to throw them out anyways.\n\n[[Get up|GOODENDING06]]\n\n<<set $pillbox_falling to "pillbox_falling.mp3">>\n<<playsound $pillbox_falling>>\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe socks fill up with the shape of your feet.\n\n[[Head into kitchen|WIFEBADENDING09]]\n[[Stay in bed|WIFEBADENDING09]]\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nSitting here makes you realise how cold your bed is.\n\n[[Warm up|WIFEBADENDINGOPEN01]]\n[[Get your blanket|WIFEBADENDINGCLEAN01]]
The alarm goes off. You open your left eye and blink.\nThe screen shows 10:06.\n\n[[Get up|CARBADENDING06]]\n[[Press snooze|CARBADENDING04]]\n\n<<loopsound $alarm>>
Your wife opens her mouth to speak but her words lose to the rising sound of sizzling meat. You realise the sausage frying on the cooking pan is your very own.\n\n[[►|DREAMWIFEEND][$dreampoints +=5, $wifepoints +=5]]\n\n<<playsound $sizzlinghigh>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nA line of sunlight crosses the bedroom from the window. A brief sigh escapes from your mouth. The alarm clock is still ringing.\n\n[[Get up|WORKBADENDING06]]\n[[Press snooze|WORKBADENDING02]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="strasse_autos3_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou aren't sure if they can hear you or are politely ignoring your warning. \nOtherwise, this is all your own hallucination.\n\n[[Try to warn the other drivers|CARWAKEUP1303]]\n[[Take pills from glove compartment|CARINFORMATIONPAPER0301]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="strasse_autos3_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nSomething must be wrong with you.\n\n[[Try to warn the other drivers|CARWAKEUP1304]]\n[[Take pills from glove compartment|CARINFORMATIONPAPER0301]]\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="strasse_autos3_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nPerhaps you hit your head sometime ago. Hard enough.\n\n[[Try to warn the other drivers|CARWAKEUP1306]]\n[[Take pills from glove compartment|CARINFORMATIONPAPER0301]]
"If you do nothing, you'll be crushed like this!"\n\n[[►|CARWAKEUP1307]]
"Closing your eyes won't help you!"\n\n[[►|CARWAKEUP1308]]
"That's insanity!"\n\n[[►|CARWAKEUP1309]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="ubahn_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe trainsystem isn't working properly, due to some accidents. A crowd of people is waiting for the next train to come.\n\n[[Wait|train]]\n[[Take car|cardream_connection]]\n\n<<fadeoutsound $office_dream>>\n<<set $trainstation to "trainstation.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $trainstation>>\n\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe socks fill up with the shape of your feet. Your clothes follow, pressing slightly on the fat of your waist.\n\n[[►|couch_1]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour bare feet touch the cool floor.\n\n[[Pick up a pair of brown socks|therapy11]]\n[[Pick up a pair of black socks|therapy11]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>
You get up.\n\n[[►|TRAINBADENDING06]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour bare feet touch the cool floor.\n\n[[Pick up a pair of brown socks|getup2]]\n[[Pick up a pair of black socks|getup2]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe old man's lips move at the same time as yours. \n\nThat's when you realise it's your own reflection in the mirror.\n\n[[Close your eyes|PARENTSBADENDINGWINDOW01]]
You look at the mirror and see a pale old man with greying hair and sunken eyes looking back at you.\n\n[["Father?"|PARENTSBADENDINGCLEAN03]]\n[[Ignore reflection|PARENTSBADENDINGWINDOW01]]
Despite your attempts, your heart is beginning to beat faster. \n\n[[Head towards the platform|PARENTSBADENDINGCLEAN02]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="arbeitsplatz_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou walk out on to the corridor, passing huge lines of cubicles. Your cubicle is at the far end of the line. You sit down.\n\n[[Start work|work_1_1]]\n[[Look around|handout]]
Dream Points Score: <<print $dreampoints>>\n<<set $day +=1>>\n<<if $day gte 5>>[[►|ENDINGLOUNGE]]\n\n<<else>>[[►|DAYSTART]]<<endif>><<silently>>\n\n<<fadeoutsound $therapydream>>\n<<fadeoutsound $brownnoise>>\n<<fadeoutsound $noisesuspense>><<endsilently>>
The alarm clock goes off. You open your eyes. The screen shows 07:05.\n\n[[►|CARWAKEUP02]]<<silently>>\n\n<<stopallsound>>\n<<set $alarm_hall = "alarm_hall.mp3">>\n<<set $cardream = "cardream.mp3">>\n<<set $brownnoise = "brownnoise.mp3">>\n<<set $noisesuspense = "noisesuspense.mp3">>\n<<set $heartbeat = "heartbeatalarm.mp3">>\n<<set $carhorn = "carhorn.mp3">>\n<<set $carstart = "carstart.mp3">>\n<<set $cardrive = "cardrive.mp3">>\n<<set $carcrash = "carcrash.mp3">>\n<<set $metalcrush = "metalcrush.mp3">>\n<<set $examineitem = "examineitem.mp3">>\n<<set $collapse = "collapse.mp3">>\n<<set $breathinghelm = "breathinghelm.mp3">>\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>><<endsilently>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_parentsdream_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Now he's just throwing a tantrum. It's a good thing that it's now time for supper, no?"\nYou suddenly find yourself back on your bed, a bowl of steamy hot soup awaiting you on a tray.\n\n[[Eat soup.|PARENTSENDING03]]\n[[Refuse soup.|PARENTSENDING01]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nVarious items are lying around. The window can hardly be opened anymore. \nYou should probably tidy up someday.\n\n[[Look in your phone's inbox|EXAMINEPHONE01]]\n[[Look at old ticket|EXAMINETICKET01]]\n[[Look at care home brochure|EXAMINECAREHOME01]]\n[[Stop looking at window's ledge|BEDROOM01]]\n<<playsound $examineitem>>
Dream Points Score: <<print $dreampoints>>\n<<set $day +=1>>\n<<if $day eq "5">>[[►|ENDINGLOUNGE]]\n\n<<else>>[[►|DAYSTART]]<<endif>><<silently>>\n\n<<fadeoutsound $cardream>>\n<<fadeoutsound $suspense>>\n<<fadeoutsound $brownnoise>>\n<<endsilently>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="rote_augen_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"You whisphered them into my little ears yourself."\n\n[[◄|DARKNESS07]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="kueche.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou heat up hot water and grab some instant coffee from the counter.\n\n[[►|01KITCHEN01COFFEE04]]\n\n<<playsound $coffee_pouring>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="strasse_autos1_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou open your glove compartment, pill box now in your reach.\n\n[[Take a pill|Connectiontopilldream]]\n[[Read pills' information paper|CARINFORMATIONPAPER03]]\n[[Don't take a pill|CARWAKEUP20]]\n\n<<playsound $examineitem>>
You open your eyes. The screen shows 10:05.\n\n[[►|TRAINBADENDING01_1]]\n\n<<set $badending = "badending.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $badending>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="kueche.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n[[Add sugar|01KITCHEN01SUGAR01]]\n[[Drink black|01KITCHEN01BLACK01]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="arbeitsplatz.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nEventually you arrive at your workplace. \nNot on time but you can't tell if anybody noticed.\n\n[[►|01WORK02]]\n\n<<set $office to "office.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $office>>\n<<fadeoutsound $traininside>>
You open your eyes. The screen shows 10:05.\n\n[[►|WIFEBADENDING01_1]]\n\n<<set $badending = "badending.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $badending>>\n
The alarm clock goes off. You open your eyes. The screen shows 07:05.\n\n[[►|DREAMSPACE02]]<<silently>>\n\n<<stopallsound>>\n<<set $spacedream = "spacedream.mp3">>\n<<set $alarm_hall = "alarm_hall.mp3">>\n<<set $brownnoise = "brownnoise.mp3">>\n<<set $noisesuspense = "noisesuspense.mp3">>\n<<set $heartbeatalarm = "heartbeatalarm.mp3">>\n<<set $breathinghelm = "breathinghelm.mp3">>\n<<set $landingmoon = "landingmoon.mp3">>\n<<set $umbilicalcord = "umbilicalcord.mp3">>\n<<set $collapse_hall = "collapse_hall.mp3">>\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>><<endsilently>>
You feel yourself as if tucked away inside several blankets. It's cold. A brief sigh escapes from your mouth. The alarm clock is still ringing.\n\n[[Get up|SPACEDREAM04]]\n[[Press snooze|SPACEDREAM03]]\n\n<<fadeinsound $brownnoise>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="Weltall.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour alarm clock is pushed by the impact into the far reaches of the universe.\n\n[[►|SPACEDREAM04]]\n\n<<fadeoutsound $alarm_hall>>\n
The alarm goes off.\n\n[[Press snooze|SPACEDREAM0306][$dreampoints +=5, $spacepoints +=5]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>>
The alarm goes off. You open your left eye and blink.\nThe screen shows 07:06.\n\n[[Get up|SPACEDREAM04]]\n[[Press snooze|SPACEDREAM0303]]\n\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>>
The alarm goes off. You reach out with your hand.\nThe screen shows 07:07.\n\n[[Get up|SPACEDREAM04]]\n[[Press snooze|SPACEDREAM0305]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="therapiezimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"How to not kill yourself - help for self-help"\n\n[[Open magazine|magazine_1][$dreampoints += 3, $therapypoints += 3]]\n[[◄|waiting_1]]
But the words fade away as the lack of oxygen is starting to trouble you. Your surroundings get dark.\n\n[[►|DREAMSOCIALINTERACTIONEND]]<<silently>>\n<<set $collapse_onto_floor_hall to "collapse_onto_floor_hall.mp3">>\n<<playsound $collapse_onto_floor_hall>><<endsilently>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="strasse_autos1_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou open your glove compartment, pill box now in your reach.\n\n[[Take a pill|Connectiontopilldream]]\n[[Read pills' information paper|CARINFORMATIONPAPER02]]\n[[Don't take a pill|CARWAKEUP20]]\n\n<<playsound $examineitem>>
As you step out of your car to flee you see the growing wave of crushed cars ahead rising above you. \nPiled upon eachother with no more road to follow, it engulfs you whole under its heavy and crushed metal.\n\n[[►|CARDREAMEND][$dreampoints +=5, $carpoints +=5]]\n\n<<playsound $metalcrush>>\n<<playsound $collapse>>\n
There's a message from Bob. He wants to have a beer. You decide to accept this time.\n\n[[►|GOODENDINGSOCIAL3]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="strasse_autos3_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nEngines whirr impatiently, as cars close in on the barest of milimeteres between eachother.\n\n[[►|CARWAKEUP09]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="strasse_autos1_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou open your glove compartment, pill box now in your reach.\n\n[[Take a pill|Connectiontopilldream]]\n[[Read pills' information paper|CARINFORMATIONPAPER]]\n[[Don't take a pill|CARWAKEUP09]]\n\n<<playsound $examineitem>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="strasse_autos3_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou shout: "You can't stay stuck here. You have to get out!"\nThe drivers continue throwing you curious and embarassed looks, their crushed dashboards becoming more and more like papier mâché. \n\n[[►|CARWAKEUP1301]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="strasse_autos4_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nCars begin to be slowly compress against eachother. Metal folds and wrinkles, glass breaks. \nStrangely, the other drivers seem unaware of the destruction all around them.\n\n[[Try to warn other drivers|CARWAKEUP13]]\n[[Get out of car and flee|CARWAKEUP14]]\n[[Take a pill and relax|CARWAKEUP15]]\n\n<<fadeinsound $metalcrush>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="partyraum.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Cheers, Mr. Doe!" a woman in a dark green suit is holding her glass up in the air.\n\n[["Cheers, Mrs. Granger."|6_2_3]]\n<<if $socialloop eq 1>>[[Step out of social conventions|6_1][$dreampoints +=5, $socialpoints +=5]]<<else>>[["Cheers, Mrs. Granger."|6_2_3]]<<endif>>\n\n<<set $heartbeatalarm to "heartbeatalarm.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $heartbeatalarm>>
<<if $day eq 0>>[[Monday.|01WAKEUP01]]\n\n<<else if $day eq 1>>[[Tuesday.|01WAKEUP01]]\n\n<<else if $day eq 2>>[[Wednesday.|01WAKEUP01]]\n\n<<else if $day eq 3>>[[Thursday.|01WAKEUP01]]\n\n<<else if $day eq 4>>[[Friday.|01WAKEUP01]]\n\n<<else if $day eq 5>>[[Saturday.|ENDINGLOUNGE]]<<endif>>\n<<silently>>\n\n<<fadeoutsound $theme>>\n<<if $day gte 1>><<stopallsound>><<endif>>\n<<set $brownnoise = "brownnoise.mp3">>\n<<set $sigh = "sigh.mp3">>\n<<set $kitchen= "kitchen.mp3">>\n<<set $alarm = "alarm.mp3">>\n<<set $newaction = "newaction.mp3">>\n<<set $traininside = "traininside.mp3">>\n<<set $door_opening = "door_opening.mp3">>\n<<set $examineitem = "examineitem.mp3">>\n<<set $stairs = "stairs.mp3">>\n<<set $lift = "lift.mp3">>\n<<set $outside = "outside.mp3">>\n<<set $fallbed = "fallbed.mp3">>\n<<set $collapse = "collapse.mp3">>\n<<playsound $alarm>>\n<<endsilently>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="wohnzimmer.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n<<if $RSVP eq "yes">>You accepted Mary's wedding invitation.\n\n[[►|MAIL02]]<<else if $RSVP eq "no">>You declined Mary's wedding invitation.\n\n[[►|MAIL02]]<<else>>You decide to get it over with.\n\n[[Tick "Would be delighted to accept"|headbedroom][set $dreampoints +=5][$RSVP to "yes"]]\n[[Tick "Must regretfully decline"|headbedroom][$RSVP to "no"]]<<endif>>\n\n<<playsound $newaction>>
You try to see through the darkness of your bedroom but you can barely see a thing from your point of view.\n\n[[Get up|DREAMDAUGHTER01]]\n[[Press snooze|DREAMDAUGHTERWAKEUP02]]\n\n<<fadeinsound $brownnoise>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schreibtisch_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n[[Press.|work_1_5]]
You fumble around and find your trusty alarm clock.\nYou silence it and take in the room around you.\n\n[[◄|DREAMDAUGHTERWAKEUP01]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="portrait.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour ex-wife looked younger and happier back then.\n\n[[Go to bed|01HOME04]]\n<<playsound $examineitem>>\n<<set $chosendream to "wife">>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="portrait.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou with Mary and Susie. <<if $wifepoints gte 10>>You have an odd feeling that that you've spoken with your ex-wife recently. Or maybe you've been looking at this picture for far too much lately.<<endif>>\n\n[[Study family portrait|EXAMINEFAMILYPORTRAIT02]]\n[[Look back at nightstand|NIGHTSTANDEXAMINE01]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nA line of sunlight crosses the bedroom from the window. A brief sigh escapes from your mouth. The alarm clock is still ringing.\n\n[[Get up|WIFEBADENDING06]]\n[[Press snooze|WIFEBADENDING02]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="zug_achterbahn_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nWithout a fastened seatbelt, you are ejected from your seat.\n\n[[Try to hold onto your seat|TRAINDREAM0708]]\n[[Try to grab a pole|TRAINDREAMPOLE][$dreampoints +=5, $trainpoints +=5]]\n\n<<fadeinsound $heartbeat>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="Weltall.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour old primary school dictionary. You asked a lot of questions back then.\n\n[[►|SPACEDREAM0704]]\n\n<<playsound $umbilicalcord>>
You get up.\n\n[[►|dwork10]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>
The alarm goes off.\n\n[[Press snooze|dwork7]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>>\n
The alarm goes off. You reach out with your hand.\nThe screen shows 07:07.\n\n[[Get up|dwork10]]\n[[Press snooze|dwork6]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>>
The alarm goes off. You open your left eye and blink.\nThe screen shows 07:06.\n\n[[Get up|dwork10]]\n[[Press snooze|dwork5]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>>
You press snooze and close your eyes.\n\n[[►|dwork4]]\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nA line of sunlight crosses the bedroom from the window. A brief sigh escapes from your mouth. The alarm clock is still ringing.\n\n[[Get up|dwork10]]\n[[Press snooze|dwork3]]\n\n<<set $brownnoise to "brownnoise.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $brownnoise>>\n
You get up.\n\n[[►|WORKBADENDING06]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n
CREDITS\n\nWRITING\nFilipe Simonette\nHelen Galliker\n\nDESIGN\nFlorin Gasser\nMarco Bach\n\nABOUT\n"Peter Doe"\nA "Nonlinear Narrative" project, Beat Suter\nZHdK 2014\n\nTHANK YOU FOR PLAYING\n\n[[►|Start]]\n<<set $day = 0>>\n<<fadeoutsound $goodending>>\n<<fadeoutsound $traininside>>\n<<fadeinsound $theme>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="lift_1.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe lift doors open and you get inside. \n\n<<if $socialpoints gte 7>>[[►|GOODENDINGSOCIAL01]]<<else>>[[►|GOODENDINGLIFT2]]<<endif>>\n\n<<fadeinsound $lift>>
The alarm clock goes off. You open your eyes. The screen shows 07:05.\n\n[[►|therapy_02]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $alarm_hall = "alarm_hall.mp3">>\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>>\n<<set $brownnoise to "brownnoise.mp3">>\n<<fadeinsound $brownnoise>>\n<<endsilently>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="buero_boss_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou hand the prints over to your boss. "Thank you", he smiles at you blankly, depositing the documents into the shredder.\n\n[[Get coffee|break_1_1][$dreampoints +=3, $workpoints +=3]]\n[[Work|work2_2]]\n\n<<set $shredder to "shredder.mp3">>\n<<playsound $shredder>>
You get up.\n\n[[►|CARWAKEUP04]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>
The alarm goes off.\n\n[[Press snooze|CARWAKEUP0306]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>>
The alarm goes off. You reach out with your hand.\n\nThe screen shows 07:07.\n\n[[Get up|CARWAKEUP04]]\n[[Press snooze|CARWAKEUP0305]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>>
The alarm goes off. You open your left eye and blink.\n\nThe screen shows 07:06.\n\n[[Get up|CARWAKEUP04]]\n[[Press snooze|CARWAKEUP0303]]\n\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nA line of sunlight crosses the bedroom from the window. A brief sigh escapes from your mouth. The alarm clock is still ringing.\n\n<<if $therapypoints gte 7>>[[Get up|GOODENDINGTHERAPY]]\n[[Press snooze|GOODENDING02]]<<else>>[[Get up|GOODENDING06]]\n[[Press snooze|GOODENDING02]]<<endif>>\n<<fadeinsound $goodending>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nA line of sunlight crosses the bedroom from the window. A brief sigh escapes from your mouth. The alarm clock is still ringing.\n\n[[Get up|PARENTSBADENDING06]]\n[[Press snooze|PARENTSBADENDING02]]
Your muffled shoutings grow weaker to the other drivers as your erratic breathing overwhelms you. \nConfortably but definitely, you drift off into eternal sleep.\n\n[[►|CARDREAMEND][$dreampoints +=5, $carpoints +=5]]\n\n<<playsound $breathinghelm>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="broschuere.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYour parents believed you when you told them that they were going on a holiday.\n\n[[Go to bed|01HOME04]]\n\n<<playsound $examineitem>>\n<<set $chosendream to "parents">>
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="broschuere.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Spring Heights Care Home." <<if $parentspoints gte 10>>The brochure bears no new information.<<endif>>\n\n[[Study the brochure|EXAMINECAREHOME02]]\n[[Look back at window's ledge|WINDOWEXAMINE01]]\n\n
You take your car and travel back to your old hometown.\nYou arrive at the place that you were looking for.\n\n[[Step out|SPACEBADENDINGCLEAN02]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="partyraum.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou avoid a tray stocked with french toast and take a step backwards, your foot touching the carefully cut lawn. \nOne of the waiters jogs your elbow, "Excuse me, sir, could you please stay inside social conventions?" \n\n[[Take another step|6_1][$dreampoints +=5, $socialpoints +=5]]\n[[Step back|6_2]]
You should have just enough to get you through the day.\n\n[[◄|CARWAKEUP0503]]\n\n<<playsound $examineitem>>
You get up.\n\n[[►|PARENTSBADENDING06]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="pausen_raum.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"Oh", Bob swallows a huge gulp of his latte thoughtfully, "I'm good, thanks."\n<<set $dreampoints +=5>>\n[[►|01BREAK0302]]\n<<set $socialcounter +=5>>\n\n<<playsound $newaction>>
What family?\n\n[[Head towards train station|TRAINBADENDINGCLEAN01]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="zug_innen_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe train begins to move, shaking and rumbling. \nUp the hill.\n\n[[Look outside|TRAINDREAM0803]]\n[[Doze off|TRAINCONNECTIONWORK]]\n\n<<fadeinsound $crazytrain>>
The alarm clock goes off. You open your eyes. The screen shows 07:05.\n\n[[►|1_0]]\n\n<<set $alarm_hall to "alarm_hall.mp3">>\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>>\n
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe socks fill up with the shape of your feet. Your clothes follow, pressing slightly on the fat of your waist.\n\n[[►|CARWAKEUP05]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nThe socks fill up with the shape of your feet. Your clothes follow, pressing slightly on the fat of your waist.\n\n[[►|CARWAKEUP05]]
The alarm goes off. You open your left eye and blink.\n\nThe screen shows 07:06.\n\n[[Get up|TRAINDREAM04]]\n[[Press snooze|TRAINDREAM0303]]\n\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>>
The alarm goes off. You reach out with your hand.\n\nThe screen shows 07:07.\n\n[[Get up|TRAINDREAM04]]\n[[Press snooze|TRAINDREAM0305]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>>
You get up.\n\n[[►|TRAINDREAM04]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>\n
The alarm goes off.\n\n[[Press snooze|TRAINDREAM0306]]\n<<stopsound $alarm_hall>>\n<<loopsound $alarm_hall>>
You get up.\n\n[[►|THERAPYBADENDING06]]\n\n<<stopsound $alarm>>\n
You pour oil all around and over yourself.\nThen you hold out a lit match in your hand.\n\n[[Let there be light|BADENDINGGAME]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="dachterrasse_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou turn around and leave the queue. "Alright. Bye, Peter!"\n<<fadeoutsound $wind>>\n[["Bye, Bob."|turn_1]]\n[["Bye, Bob."|turn_1]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="therapiezimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nShe shows you to the door.\n\n[[Open door|socialdream_connection]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="therapiezimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\n"I see..." the wrinkles between her brows deepen further. "As you don't seem to be making any progress we might have to consider other options."\n\n[[►|killing_pills]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="strasse_autos_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nYou insert your keys all the way into the ignition and turn. The car rumbles to life.\nLeaving your street, you drive your way to work.\n\n[[►|CARWAKEUP07]]\n\n<<playsound $carstart>>\n<<fadeinsound $cardrive>>
Finding your way to your old school was surprisingly easy.\n\n[[Find an empty classroom|SPACEBADENDINGCLEAN03]]\n[[Pour oil|SPACEBADENDINGWINDOW01]]
Maybe the students will only find you here on Monday.\n\n[[Take out matches|SPACEBADENDINGWINDOW01]]
<html><img width="100%" height="auto" src="schlafzimmer_sw.gif" alt="File Icon"></html>\n\nA line of sunlight crosses the bedroom from the window. A brief sigh escapes from your mouth. The alarm clock is still ringing.\n\n[[Get up|DAUGHTERBADENDING06]]\n[[Press snooze|DAUGHTERBADENDING02]]
Why not? You haven't worn this band t-shirt in years.\n\n[[Head out|SPACEBADENDINGCLEAN01]]